18. Gameover

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The clip stops but he keep staring at the phone.

"Earth? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I -", Santa step forward trying probably to comfort him but he step back. Give the phone.

With trembling lips, "I don't know what's your reason but whatever it is thank you". He turn his back. He don't know where to go. There's a pain inside of him, choking him.

Earth walk towards the gym. Slowly. There he see Kao walking towards him. He stop. Tears falling like a waterfalls. It hurts. It hurts so bad.

Kao seem to notice his appearance, frowning he rush to him but he didn't let him go near him, "STOP!".

Shock. Kao stare at him, "Earth? Babe? What happened? Why are you like this?".

He harshly wipe the tears in his eyes. His vision is blurry. The pain is growing. He sobs, "Are you happy? Silly, of course you are happy because you won the dare! Right!? I'm just part of the dare!!!".

Kao's face paled, "Earth, listen - I".

He smile and shake his head, "Claim your price. You win, P'Kao. Stop pretending. It hurts. Just stop. Please, don't come near me again. Don't try to call or text me. This is the end of your dare. End of your game, P'Kao".

He wipe his tears and turn his back. Earth hearing Kao's voice calling for him but the pain inside of him numbing his senses. His thoughts. His reasoning suddenly is nowhere to be found.

He call a taxi and go home. He cry his eyes out. He didn't go to school for a week. He doesn't need to because he already completed his requirements for the graduation and practice will start one of these days.

He called Fluke and told him what happened. There is something in Fluke's voice but he can't point it out.

Earth said that he doesn't want Kao to contact him and yet, he still missing him. He is looking at their pictures together and tears still keep falling every time.

It's the third day of practice when he decided to attend school. Fluke said that he needed to do something important.

He is on the line when Title wave and smile at him so he smile back.

"Hi Earth"

"Hello Title, we just saw each other last weekend", he joke but his eyes roaming looking for the particular person.

"Actually, the Dean wanted me to ask you something. Where's Kao and his friends?", Title scratch his head.

Earth shrug his shoulder and didn't answer. Hearing that name stings. His eyes starting to water but he bite his tongue and take a deep breath.

"Calling the attention of  Earth Katsamonnat Namwirote, please proceed to the Dean's office"

Earth  confuse but excuse himself. His steps are fast. He reach the Dean's office and knock.

Upon entering, a woman stands. Stella Dechaphatthanakun. Kao's mom. He bow and once he lift his head, he heard here say, "Can we talk, Earth?".

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