6. Bree

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Earth bite his lips when he see Kao outside his classroom. He can also notice other people trying to get Kao's attention but the latter just tapping his phone.

He walks slowly and stop in front of him. From looking at his phone, Kao look at him and smile a little "Hi!".

Earth smiles back, he can feel the stares that he is getting. As if reflex Kao, grab the books his holding and walk. Earth follows. It's been a month since Kao confessed and asked to court him.

Kao texting him in the morning and calling him at night. Almost every day. They go on dates during weekends. Like today, Kao always wait for him so he can bring Earth home before going back for practice.

Kao open the passenger seat door, saying nothing so Earth stare at him before entering the car. After settling his books at the backseat, he turn his head when big hands engulf his cheeks,  "How's your day?".

Earth blush as he can feel the large fingers continue caressing his cheeks but he still speak, "Good, I guess? One of the professor gave us a surprised exam but thankfully I pass it. You?"

Kao sighs which make suddenly worry him so he put his hands on Kao's hand which caressing his cheeks, "I'm fine, babe. Just a little argument on one of my teammates".

Earth put his hand down and he know he looks a tomato now. Hearing the endearment Kao said. He used it sometimes but the effect on his heart is quite lethal. Kao chuckles upon seeing his face and ears before starting the engine.

Two days after. It's Thursday. He is humming with Fluke beside him. Fluke taking commerce course and his bestfriend doesn't have any class so they decided to go to the cafeteria.

Earth enter the said area when students keep buzzing on something. It seems that there's scene. The attraction two people hugging each other. Kao and a girl, he step back and turn away.

He can hear Fluke calling his name but he still walk away, walk fast from that scene. He knows he shouldn't conclude anything but  he can't help it. He knows the girl, or should he says everyone knows her. That girl's name is Bree, campus cheerleader. Kao's ex.

It seems that destiny is symphatizing with him because his last subject professor is absent so he went home early without Kao. He didn't bother to text him nor read his messages or answer his calls.

He doesn't have any class on Friday which is perfect. He will help his mom in Kirati's household during weekend. He plans to avoid Kao.

Monday. Earth feel a certain pain when Kao seems nowhere to find as if the past few months didn't happened.

The class just ended. He sit on a bench waiting for Fluke while reading a book when shadows appear.

He look up and see, Bree with two girls beside her, "Are you Earth Namwirote?".

Earth sighs, he doesn't have energy to deal with this but he nods. He is beyond shock when a cold liquid pour on his head.

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