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I walk in and find Tay sitting with Dean talking about movies. I sit down on the love seat across for them and just tune out their conversation. They talk for what feels like hours and I go and grab my phone. Just as I walk in the room Taylor screams.

"What the fuck?" I say, wincing at the loud scream.

"Nothing," she says giggling.

I roll my eyes and flop back down on the love seat. They whisper to each other and I ignore them, scrolling through Instagram. As I scroll I overhear Taylor mention something about Doms. I nervously set my phone down and clear my throat.

 "So what are you guys talking about?" I say, chewing on my lip.

 "I was telling Dean I am a Dom and he said he knows a thing or two about that lifestyle."

I stare at her and him in shock. How does he know about that? That isn't something everyone knows about. Those who do know just think it's a kink. That Doms like tying people up or telling them what to do. I highly doubt he knows anything about what it really is. She rolls her eyes and grind back to Dean.

 "Don't mind him. He's probably just hoping you don't find him being a submissive weird."

 "Taylor!!" I scream, "why would you tell him that!!!"

 "Why not?"

 "That's not his business! And I don't just tell people I don't know about that!"

 "Tate, it's fine. I don't think it's weird. I've met lots of subs and some are pretty cool. I don't mind," he says, smiling.

I glare at Taylor but nod at Dean. I'm pretty pissed that Taylor would do something like that. It's my life, she has no right  to tell people that. Even though he's fine with it I can't stand to look at him. It's still embarrassing. I don't want him to see me as some weakling, who can't take care of myself. Taylor is such a bitch. Standing up, I leave the room, not wanting to be around Taylor.

I storm in my room, and slam the door. She is ridiculous. I throw myself on my bed, groaning. Taylor is my best friend. How could she tell him? It would be one thing if we knew and trusted him but we just met him. Groaning again, I roll on my stomach and close my eyes. I just want to go to sleep. A knock on the door makes me sigh and roll back over.

 "What do you want?" I call out.

 "Just to talk," Taylor says through the door.

 "I don't want to talk to you."

 "Oh well. I'm coming in," she says, opening the door and coming in.

 She walks over to me and sits on the bed next to my tired body. I don't even bother to look at her. Taylor may be my best friend but I really hate her sometimes. Especially when she thinks she can order me around because she's a Dom. As well as when she thinks she can say whatever she wants about me despite things being personal. Tay is such a bitch sometimes. She rests her hand on my shoulder and I shrug her off.

 "Get the fuck out. Or I swear to god I will never talk to you again."

Taylor goes to say something but stops herself, most likely remembering the time I didn't speak to her for two months. Silently she gets up and walks out of the room. I sigh and close my eyes, the pain in my head getting worse. Headaches suck and they are even worse when you're annoyed. I tug the covers over my body and curl up.

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