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"TATE!!" a voice yells and I instantly recognize it as Dean's.

I don't even have second to blink before Damon is rushing down the stairs. Following him, I sigh as three security guards hold back Dean. When I get to the bottom of the stairs Damon motions for the security guards to let go and they do.

"Tate, you need to leave okay? Damon is bad and he's going to hurt you," Dean says, walking towards me. Before he can get close, Damon shoves him back.

"Dean, leave," he growls but Dean just shoves past him.

He comes closer and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. All these different emotions start bubbling inside me, anger being the strongest. Dean stops when he's in front of me, his hand taking mine.

I pull away, "No. Don't touch me." He drops his hand to his side, stumbling back a bit. I never took Dean to be a big drinker but the sight before me makes me think otherwise.

"He's bad, Tate. I just want to take care of you..." he slurs and I scoff.

"He's not bad. He's not the one drunk and calling the cops on his brother because he didn't get the guy he wants. That's you Dean and it's...pathetic."

I can see his heart break and maybe I would've felt bad two days ago but now I feel nothing. I thought he would take the rejection better but I've been shown otherwise. Instead he's spent every minute ruining any chance of friendship between us.

Dean opens his mouth to say something but closes it instead. He looks around the room, his eyes locking on Damon. I see Damon is letting me deal with this but he so badly wants to step in.

"Go home," I say, bringing Dean's attention back to me. Instead of fighting, he nods.

Damon asks one of the security guys to call him a taxi and he nods. The other to help lead Dean out of the room. I feel the anger disappear and I frown. None of this is what I wanted.

Damon closes the door behind them and turns back to me. Whatever we were going to do a few minutes ago wasn't happening now. At this point, I just want to cry.

"Why is he being like this?" I ask, my voice quiet.

Damon shrugs, coming over and wrapping his arms around me. I bury my face in his chest, feeling overwhelmed. The police was one thing but coming here? I don't know why Dean is like this. Pulling back, I ask to borrow Damon's phone.

He hands it to me and I go to the couch, scrolling through his contacts. When I find his mom's name I hit call and listen as it dials. It rings a few times before it picks up and I smile at Elaine's soft voice.

"Damon? I thought you had an event tonight," she says, not knowing it wasn't her son.

"It's actually Tate," I say, "I wanted to let you know that Dean showed up...he's really drunk and we sent him home but I just wanted someone to know. I'm not the happiest with him but I don't want anything to happen."

Damon walks to the kitchen as I listen to Elaine sigh. I feel bad for making her son feel so bad but there isn't much I can do. Damon comes back and hands me a glass of water.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Tate. I'll have Fred go and check on him. You two enjoy the rest of your night okay?" she says and I thank her. Before I hang up she speaks.

"Make sure to use protection!" Elaine says before hanging up.

My face heats up as I stare at the phone. My boyfriends mom just told us to use protection. I take a huge sip of water as Damon looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

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