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This is kinda a filler. Nothing too big happens here. Just moving things along!

When I finally start to recognize the scenery, I know I'm almost home. The bus ride was long and tiring; the fact that I had to be on it by 8 only made it worse. When the buss pulls up to the station, the first thing I see is my mom waving with Tay. I didn't realize I'd missed them both so much until I saw them waiting.

I don't wait for any else to move before I get up, and almost run to get off the bus. The second my feet hit the pavement, both Tay and my mom have their arms wrapped around me.

"Oh my baby! I missed my boy," my mom says into my shoulder, and I can feel the tears soaking into my shirt.

"You'll tell me everything you haven't as soon as your mom leaves you alone," Tay whispers in my ears and I can't wait to tell her everything I hadn't.

Tay is the first to let go, claiming someone needs to get my bag before the bus leaves with it. My mom doesn't let go, and I have to peel her arms for me just to breath.

"Mom, don't kill me in the first ten minutes!"

She quick to smack me, as I laugh at how she rolls her eyes. Tay doesn't take long to get my bag, and she quickly ushers us to the car. I can tell she wants to get me alone, just my how quickly she drives.

Apparently, Tay and my mother already discussed where I'd be staying, and I was kind of happy to not have to stay at home. I knew Tay needed me, and so did my mom. It will also keep my mother from getting too upset when we go home in a few days. We pull up to my old house, and my mother promises to be over at Tay's by 12 tomorrow. I quickly kiss her cheek goodbye, and Tay floors it all the way to her house.

"Tate. It's great to see you. I'm glad you came," Tay's father says, when he see's me. Though he is smiling, I know he happiness isn't there. I can see the pain in his eyes, and I know why Tay can't stand being here.

"She was like my second mom. Of course i'd be here," I reassure him.

He gives us a nod, and turn to go upstairs. When we finally reach Tay's old room, she lets out a sigh. It must be so hard to see her dad like that. He's nothing like he usually is. No hugs or big grin. He didn't't tell a single joke. It hurts to see him this torn up over losing his wife.

"He's been like that the whole time... I just want things to go back to how they were. Sadly, they won't," Tay says, tossing my bag on the bed.

"I guess that's what twenty five years of marriage does..." I reply.

Tay nods, going over to the bed. She flops down on it, patting the spot next to her. We lay on the bed, looking up at the stars painted on the ceiling, and I know she can't stop thinking about her mom. She doesn't have to tell me for me to know she's been putting on a brave face for everyone. That's just who she is, but she knows not to do that with me.

"Do you remember...when I had to stay with you for three days because...she insisted I couldn't see my room until it was done? She spent almost every hour of all three of those days painting. She said, "My little princess wants to live in the stars, so I'll give her that." Dad had to beg her to take a break and sleep."

"She wanted to give me everything I ever wanted. She almost did. The only thing I asked for that she couldn't give me, was more time. I begged her Tate, to just give me more time. I wanted her to see me get married and have kids. I wanted her to be meema. I wanted her to see me do something with the education she paid for. I wanted her to get really fucking old. Why couldn't God let her live? Why Tate?" she cries, her sob the only noise in the silent room.

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