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Take a deep breath. Just calm down. I look at my reflection in the mirror and try to breath. Nothing has even happened yet and I'm already freaking out. I knew I shouldn't have said yes. Everything told me to say no but I said yes, like an idiot. I take one last breath before going back to the table.

I sit down, Drakes eyes looking away from the menu to meet mine. I drop his stare quickly and start to read the menu. Nothing really catches my eye, so I decide to just order spaghetti. The waiter walks over and asks what he can get us. I tell him my order then he looks over to Drake.

"And what can I get you sir?" he asks.

"Steak. Medium rare."

The waiter nods, taking our menus and walking away. I feel Drakes eyes on me as I chew on my lip, trying to think of something to say. Nothing I think of seems good. Either too boring or too weird. Drake makes me question everything. Why must he affect me so much?

"So, what made you move here?" Drake asks, sipping on his Coke.

"Well...Taylor I guess. Well not as in she made me. She was moving here and I wanted change so I came with her," I explain.

Drake nods and studies me. I have to admit, there's something about the way he looks at me. It's scary but intriguing. Intimidating but sexy. No one has made me feel this conflicted before. Finally, the waiter comes back and sets our food on the table. Drake thanks him and starts to cut into his steak. I pick up my fork and start twirling spaghetti onto the fork.

We mostly eat in silence. Every once in a while the waiter will come and ask if we need anything. I finish my meal and watch Drake eat his. The silence as we ate helped a lot in calming me down. It gave me a bit to realize he didn't seem to want to hurt me. All the fear seemed to drift away.

"Would you like dessert?" he asks. I look at his plate and realize he finished eating. I give him a small smile and nod. He calls the waiter over and orders us chocolate cake.

"Tate, I want to talk about what happened at the club."

"Um, go ahead..." I say a little worried.

"I was out of place to ask you to be my submissive. I know that Dom/sub relationships are built on trust and you do not know me well or trust me. In saying this, I would like to let you know and trust me. I'm in no rush to make you a submissive. It's all what you want and are comfortable with. Alright?" Drake says, looking quite calm.

I nod and he gives me a smile. It's a little odd. I haven't seen him smile. I've seem him smirk but smile? No, this is new and I think I like it. For a split second he isn't so scary. The way the smile graces his lips...

"Here you go gentlemen. Enjoy," the waiter says breaking my gaze away from Drake.

"Do you always get chocolate cake?" I question, wanting to know something kinda silly about Drake.

"I sometimes like getting tiramisu. Are you a fan of chocolate cake?"

"I'd prefer vanilla but chocolate is good too."

Drake gives me another small smile and I must say, I could see him smile all day. I would never say it out load. That would be so embarrassing. I start eating some of the cake but after a few bites I can't eat anymore. My meal was so filling and just two bites of the cake made me full. I let Drake eat the rest of the cake, liking the way he eats. Why do such simple actions make he seem less scary and intimidating?

Once he finishes he calls over the waiter. Drake asks for the bill and the waiter is quite fast. It takes five minutes before we are walking out the door. Drake opens the car door for me and I give him a smile as a thanks. He then goes to his side and gets in, starting the drive back to my place.

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