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I press the 'Buy Now' button and watch as I'm taken to the print page. I print off the bus ticket, and put it in my wallet. When I look at the clock I see its ten past six, and that Dean should be here soon. I texted him early, asking if we could stay in, and he said he'd bring us some food. The sound of knocking lets me know he's here, and I rush over to the door.


"Hey Tate," he says, coming in, and setting the food in the kitchen.

I can't help the giant smile as he comes over, and wraps his arms around my waist. My arms wrap around his neck, as he leans down, his lips pressing against mine. His lips move against mine, his body pressed firmly against mine. My finger grip at his neck, kissing him much more passionately then I planned. Deans hands move to my thighs as he lifts me up, and carries me to the sofa.

Dean lays me on the couch, settling his body between my legs, as his lips connect with mine again. I can feel my body heating up with a sudden desire I haven't felt in a long time. I press my hips up, feeling a similar stiffness, that makes me want him more. My leg hooks around his waist, keeping his body against mine.

Dean starts moving against me and I can't help the moan that slips from my lips. His mouth moves down my jaw and to my neck, making me tilt my head back to give him more room. Dean sucks and nips, and I know he's leaving marks, but I don't care. My hands slip up his shirt, wanting his hot skin against mine. Dean quickly pulls back, pulling his shirt off, before pressing his lips against mine once more.

"Dean..." I moan, wanting more.

I feel him smirk against my neck, as he moves to strip my of my shirt and pants. In seconds my clothes are thrown away, and I'm left in my underwear underneath Dean. My hands reach for his pants, quickly undoing them, when a sudden banging on the door stops me. Both Dean and I freeze, unsure of who's at the door. When the banging continues, I quickly move from under him, finding my pants and slipping them on.

"Coming!" I call, walking over to the door.

I look out the peep hole, and am shocked to see Isabelle standing at the door, tears streaming down her cheeks. I quickly open the door, and the second she sees me another wave of tears come.

"I'm so sorry to come but....Will cheated and I didn't know what to do I'm sorry," she cries, turning to leave. I grab her wrist and pull her back.

"Stay. I'm here for you. Come in," I say, opening the door for her to enter.

When I turn back to Dean, I see his shirt is back on, and his pants are done up. I walk her over to the couch, but she stops when she sees Dean.

"Oh my god, did I interrupt something? Tate I can go, I don't want to be a problem."

"It's fine. Tate and I were just talking. Do you want some food? We have Chinese," Dean offers, and I can't stop the butterflies in my stomach.

"Food makes everything better," I tell her as we sit on the couch. She nods, and Dean goes to get us the food. As he heats it up a bit, Isabelle starts to tell me what happened.

She starts with how odd he's been acting, and that she brushed it off. Dean brings out the food as she tells us what she walked in on today. I pull her into my arms, as she tries to explain what she saw. Finally, Dean speaks.

"He clearly doesn't deserve you, and you shouldn't waste anymore time on him."

Isabelle gives him a small smile, as she wipes away her tears. I tuck her hair behind her ear, agreeing with what Dean said.

"You don't need him. You're strong and beautiful, and so amazing. I know he was your first love, but sometimes the first love is the most toxic. Trust me, I know," I tell her. I can already see her feeling better. She wipes the last of her tears away and nods.

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