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Chapter 4

Dean leads me out the door, as Taylor yells about using protection. That would never embarrass me but with Dean it brings a bright red blush to my cheeks. Dean leads me to the elevator and we go to his car. He is a total gentleman and opens my door for me. The ride to the restaurant is quiet. Soft music plays in the background as we sit in our comfortable silence. When we pull up to the restaurant, we both get out of the car and head in.

It was a nice restaurant. It wasn't too fancy but you wouldn't come here in jeans and an old t-shirt. Dean gives his name, and a few minutes later we are being taken to a table. As we sat down, I could feel myself getting nervous. It has been so long since I've been on a date. Not only that, but it's been a long time since someone has been able to make me feel like Dean does.

I'm not saying I'm in love or anything. I just haven't blushed over a guy in a long time. Almost no one can make me blush. Plus, I haven't felt such strong sexual attraction to someone in a while. Sure, some guys are cute or hot, but none of them make me want them so badly. Part of me likes how he makes me feel but the other part of me is scared of how he makes me feel.

"So Tate, why did you move here?" Dean asks while looking at his menu.

"Taylor has some family here. They offered her a job at their restaurant and she said yes. I just came along for a fresh start."

"That's cool. What restaurant does her family own?"

"I don't really know..." I say, chewing on my lip.

Dean nods and looks at his menu. I take a glance at my menu and skim through all they have. I look at the pasta section, and decide to get the penne in a blush sauce. The waitress comes over and asks if we would like any drinks and I get water, while Dean gets a coke. She asks if we are ready to order and Dean looks at me.

"I am. Are you?" Dean asks me. I nod and tell the girl my order, then Dean orders chicken parmesan. The waitress smiles and walks off to get our drinks. Not really sure what to say to Dean, I take the chance to take a look around the restaurant. It had a definite Italian feel to it. There were lots of beautiful photos on the walls, that were a nice off white. There are tables in the middle of the room with booths all round the perimeter. It is very open, and I really like it.

"This is a nice place. Do you come here a lot?" I ask Dean.

"All the time. My parents actually own it."

I must have a look of shock on my face because Dean chuckles. His family must be doing well. The restaurant is quite full and it is a pretty fancy place. Not to mention the prices were not the cheapest. I wouldn't have guessed his family owned a restaurant. Though I've never met them. I just assumed they would work as teachers or lawyers or something more like a  9-5 office job.

"I know. Kind of lame taking you to my family's restaurant but the food is really good."

"It's not lame at all! I was just taken off guard. I would of thought your parents had a nine to five office job."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it," Dean replies.

I smile and look up to see the waitress with our drinks. She sets down our drinks and tells us our food should be ready in a few minutes. Dean thanks her and she goes back to serving other customers. As we talk I notice that the conversation flows between us. Once we are passed the awkward stage of the date, it just happens.

Dean tells me about his parents, how he works as a bartender but is looking to become a personal trainer, and tells me little things about himself, like his favourite colour, food, and other things. I tell him about my family, my friendship with Tay, and that I am planning to start looking for a job. The more and more we talk, the more I like him. The waitress brings us our dinners and we just keep talking.

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