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Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Mmm make it stop."

"You make it stop."

"It's your door."

"Ugh, fine."

I roll over and pull the covers over my head, as Dean rolls out of bed to go get the door. Even with the thick comforter over my head, the light coming in from the window still shines through the covers and hits my face. Deciding I should get up, I throw the covers off myself and I get out of Deans bed.

"Tate!" Tay yells, storming into Deans bedroom.

"What the hell? I'm naked!" I scream at her, trying to cover up my private parts. Tay just rolls her eyes and throws my underwear at me.

"I've seen it all before Tate. Now come on. We have to go. Don't ask. Just get dressed and come with me."

I pull on my underwear and find my pants, knowing not to question Taylor. Clearly something's happened and she needs my help. Just as I pull in my shirt Dean speaks, making me notice his presence in the room.

"What's going on?"

"Dean, I'm so sorry but I need to go," I tell him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Wait, you can't just leave."

"I'll call you! Bye!" I yell, running out of his room, trailing closely behind Taylor.

Taylor goes straight for the door, going back to our apartment. Once we get in the apartment Tay slams the door closed and looks at me. I wait for her to explain and frown when I see her eyes fill with worry. She walks over to the couch and sits down with her head in her hands.

"Taylor? What's wrong?"

She says nothing. She just sits there, her face buried in her hands as her shoulders start shaking. I immediately sit next to her and pull her into a hug. Taylor's hands grip at my shirt as she sobs into me. My hands rub up and down her back trying to calm her even just the tiniest bit.

It takes a while before her sobs turn into sniffles. I loosen my grip on her as she pulls back slightly to look at me. I wipe the tears off her red cheeks with my thumbs and wait for her to talk. The look in her eyes tell me I'm not going to like what I'll hear.

"Tate, she's...gone."

It takes me a second to try and figure out what she's talking about but then it clicks. Her words but me and I feel my heart sinks. Her mother is gone. After years of fighting the cancer, she's gone.

"Tay I'm so sorry," I tell her, pulling her into another hug. She hugs me back tightly, my shoulder getting wet from her tears.

"I have to go home. I need to help, to be there for the funeral. I need to."

"Then go. Call me when you know the details and I'll find a way to get there for the funeral."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine," I tell her, "go be there for your family and I'll come when you tell
me the funeral date."

"Thanks Tate," she says, kissing my cheek. Taylor stands up and walks to her room to pack, I assume. I let out a sigh and lean back on the couch.

Rays mom was such a good lady. She has been like a second mom ever since Tay and I met. When we found out she had lung cancer, it hit us hard. For 5 years she went through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and whatever else they thought could help. We finally though she was going to beat it.

Not more then five minutes later, Taylor come outs with a suit case, gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and leaves. For a few minutes I just sit on the couch. Suddenly it hits me that Dean is probably wondering why I had to run out this morning. I get off the couch and run out the door and head to Deans apartment.

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