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"Oh that was Taylor. She was checking to see how I was doing," I lie smoothly.

Damon nods, not really bothering to question any further. I curl up under the covers, facing away from Damon. The lights turn off suddenly and I turn to see Daman has a remote that I assume controls everything. I turn back around, closing my eyes. As I try to fall asleep, I ca hear Damon moving around. The sudden feeling of his body again mine shocks me. I try and pull away but his arm holds me to him.

"I'm not going to do anything. Just relax."

His words somehow cause my body to relax back into him. His chest is warm against my back and I can feel every inch of him. It's when his lower body makes contact with mine that I flinch away.

"Where are your pants?" I whisper yell, only to be laughed at. HIs body shakes against mine and I try and move further away. Again, my attempts fail as his grip is too tight. I huff and finally give up.

"I like sleeping naked. Does that bother you?" he whispers in my ear making me shiver.

I try and respond but I can't. His body feels warm and his skin is surprisingly soft. If it weren't for the fact that I could feel his little friend on my butt I'd be quite happy. I decide to not dwell on it. As he said, he won't do anything. The sudden sound of soft snores has me smiling as I close my eyes and try and get some sleep.

~ ~ ~

Ring Ring Ring

The sound of a phone going off has me groaning. I curl up against the heat source, trying to block out the sound. The feel of something hard pressing against my crotch has me moaning softly and pressing my hips against it. A gruff groan has me shooting up, realizing where I am.

"Tate...grab the phone," Damon mumbles into the pillow, rolling onto his stomach. I look over next to me and see the source of the ringing. I pick it up, saying hello and trying not to sound too tired.

"Good Morning, sir. I hope you slept well," the man on the other line says.

I glare down at the hardening limb in my pants before thanking him. He tells me that they will be sending breakfast up soon and that there was a message for Damon. I nod, and soon I'm hanging up the phone. I glare down at my crotch once more and finally the hardness goes away. Damon lets out another groan and I look over at him.

"He said that breakfast is coming and that you have a message," I tell him, crawling back under the covers.

He swiftly pulls my body against him, rolling to face me. I can feel his morning wood against my thigh and try not to think about it. We lay there for a few minutes, silently, and just as I start falling back asleep theres a knock on the door.

Damon shoves his face in the pillow and I take that as I need to go get the door. I slowly walk down the stairs, and over to the door. The sound of a guy calling room service makes it very clear who's at the door. The door isn't even open a second before the man pushes a tray in and starts setting things down on the coffee table. Damon suddenly shows up next to me, now wearing some clothes, and hands the guy a hundred dollar bill. I stare in shock as the man says thanks you and wheels the tray out the door.

"Did you just give him a hundred dollar tip?" I ask surprised. Damon nods, and shrugs, sitting on the couch and getting himself some food. I take a seat next to him, grabbing one of the plates and some food, and start to eat.

"Do you have any plans today?" Damon questions. I think for a minute and shake my head.

"We can go to the mall if you'd like," Damon offers, and I quickly shake my head.

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