14 | Spending time with you

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Please don't be a silent reader!

Please don't be a silent reader!

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"Bitch he didn't?"

"He did.I am so happy." Scarlett said.We were walking to class and she just told me that Dylan officially asked her out.

I am happy for her.

"Where are you guys going?"

"He didn't tell me." Of course he didn't.It is better if it a surprise. "Anyways I will see you at lunch time." We go our separate ways.

I enter the class and sit in the back corner as per usual.The students haven't arrived yet so I was alone in there.

I was getting comfortable on my seat when Hayden enters the room and his eyes land on mine."Goodmorning angel!" He made his way over to the row of seats I was sitting. "Does it look like a morning to you?" I laugh.

"I woke up half an hour ago so yes it is a morning to me." He laughs.He sits in the chair next to me.

"The teacher is not here.How about you ditch today's lessons and spent time with yours truly?" I turn my head, faceing him. He had a smirk on his face.That smirk tells me a lot but makes me feel butterflies inside me.

"Why would I ditch the lessons to spent time with you?" I tease.

"Oh come on! I don't feel of being here today and I am sure that you don't want to be here as well." He stands up and takes a hand out for me to take it."I hate you." I said it with a smile.I stand up and take my bag.

Before I could go past him he grabs me by my waist and pulls me close to his body.He leaned in, his lips touching my ear."No,you don't."

I push him off playfully and laugh.

"Meet me at my car in 10." He says and I nod.Spending time with him it always need to be a secret knowing that he is in the centre of the media.

I hate all of that attention.I have no idea how he deals with it.

After a few minutes I leave the building and get into his car."Where to captain?"
I laugh as he drives out of the parking lot."It's a surprise my lady."

"I hate surprises."

"You will love this one." He said.I am sure that I would love it.


He stopped the car in the woods."I hate this surprise." I say as I get out the car.

"Follow me." We walk in between trees until I hear the sound of running water.
I was following Hayden's lead.

My soul was blessed.It was a short type of waterfall and it was beautiful.

I turn around and jump into his arms.I hug him tight."I take that back.I love this."

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