Chapter 3

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Few days after the visit, Princess Wheein felt anxious. She decided to visit her brother, inside his quarters.

"Prince Taeyang! Princess Wheein is here." The royal maid announced the arrival of the princess.

"Let her in." She heard and she immediately went to where his brother is.

"What brought you here?" asking her, still eyes on the scrolls he's been checking.

"I-I need to talk to you, Oppa." She said, and he stops what he's been doing. He knows once she called her Oppa it's very important.

"Okay. Let's have a walk in my garden." She nodded and followed his lead.

When they arrived in the garden, he signaled his guards and maids to leave them alone.

"What's bothering you? Y-you, look awful. Having trouble sleeping?" he asked her.

"Yes. The marriage. I don't want to get married immediately, Oppa. I want a long engagement, I want to know him more." He smiled, he patted her head.

He understands the feeling of it, his marriage with Princess Hyo Rin is different because they got smitten when they first met, they're not arranged by their parents but when Taeyang found out that Hyo Rin will be arranged by her parents that's where he stepped in and talked to the King like they said the rest is history.

"Cold feet?"


"I just want to know him better."

"Oh! I see."

"Please help me with this."

"I will. I'll see what I can do, you know that I can't resist both of my siblings."

"Thank you! I love you Oppa!" she hugs him tight.

"I love you too! My Puppy!" He said while grinning.

"I'm not a puppy!"

"Yes, you are!" he poked her dimples.

When the afternoon arrived, both of them went to The King's chambers. Welcomed with a warm smile from the King, and he offered them a seat.

"I guess one of you would like to ask something from me." He eyed both of them.

"Uhmm. Yes, Father, my sister is in trouble." Then Princess Wheein eyed her brother and mouthed 'What are you doing?'.

The King stopped drinking his tea.

"What trouble this time Wheein-ah?" She sighed.

"F-Father. I want a long engagement, I don't want to get married immediately" She said.

"And Why is that?"

"I want to know him more, Father."

"Father. Please listen to her sentiment." Prince Taeyang said.

"I see. Cold feet?" The King asked.


"Then what?"

"I want to fall in love just like you and Oppa." He cleared his throat.

"You are lucky." Princess Wheein gives his father a confused look.


"hmmm. This tea is good!" the King said.

"Yes. He also asked the same request from both his parents and us." He smiled.
"Hahaha! I guess we don't have any problems now, Puppy!" Prince Taeyang said.

"I guess so."

"The Queen and Prince Chan Woo are here!" The maid announced.

"Let them in!"

The Queen entered and then she gave a questionable look from the King and he just smiles at her.

"Oh!? You guys are here! What a small world!" The youngest said with a loud voice.

"Yah! Lower your voice! If you will not behave, I will send you to your uncle in the temple." the King wanted to smack his son, for being loud.

"Father~ don't be so hard on me!" the youngest sulked.

"Please call the Princess Hyo Rin. From her chambers." The King said to one of the maids.

It was decided that they will have dinner together, and they have a little chat.

"Hmmm. I want another sibling!" The not so small and not so big Prince Chanwoo said.

Both of his parents choked at his statement, and other siblings laugh then Chanwoo opened his mouth again.

"And aaaaaaa niece or nephew." And the other married couple choked from their drink.

"Yah! Do you think is easy to raise a kid?" The King asked his youngest child.

"Uhmmm. No. But you see~ If I have another sibling you will not be soooo strict on me and! I will be HAPPY!" He said.

"Then Why do you want a niece or nephew?"

"Oh! That! So, my soon-to-be baby brother or sister will have a playmate! You see Hyung and Noona we have huge age differences and I play alone." He gave them a sad tone.

"Whose son, are you?" the King asked his son.

"I'm ChanWoo! Son of my father. Unfortunately, it's you!" the other family members laugh at his antics towards his father.

They have a hearty dinner, with the whole family laughing and smiling brightly because of the hyper youngest Prince of the Kingdom.

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