Chapter 19

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Little did she know the prince and his men got ambushed by Park Bogum's men to buy some time to kill Hyejin.

"Seokjinah?" The prince called Seokjin while dodging the enemy.


"Go! Look for Hyejin before it's too late."


"Now Go! We will handle this!" Seokjin moves fast and rode his horse, some of Bogum's men tried to stop him but he's fast.


Hyejin didn't expect that Taehyung is good at fighting, she already got wound on her side.

"Just be dead!" Taehyung shouts out of frustration.

Taehyung signaled, and Park Bogum grabbed the Princess, When Hyejin saw the bloodstains on Wheein's hanbok and she saw Wheein is walking like she's in pain.

'Did he? really?! This bastard!'

She attacked Taehyung but he easily dodged her and he kicked her side where her fresh wound is.


"Oh! By the way, I made that Bloodstain on her clothes. Her lips are soft and she smells good." Taehyung said while smiling like a lunatic.

"Stop!" Hyejin attacked him again.

Namjoon is trying to free his hand and when he got lucky, he attacked the guard, and he frees Jungkook and more men attacking them.

"That Bastard! I should've killed them." Taehyung said while panting.

"I think you made a mistake now."

Park Bogum signaled his archers to get ready, Jungkook saw the archers and he grabbed Namjoon.

"Hide!" they're aiming for the two friends of Hyejin.

Bogum pushed Wheein to the side and grabbed his bow and he aimed for Hyejin, he pulled the string but Wheein stands up and he released the string it landed on Hyejin's leg.

"AH!" Hyejin groaned when the arrow land on her leg, she kneeled.

Taehyung raised his sword to slashed Hyejin, but to his surprise, Hyejin blocked his attack. He saw Prince Taeyang and his cavalry arrived.

'It's now or never.'

He kicked Hyejin and she falls backward then she barely stands up straight.

"Stop! Kim Taehyung!" The prince Ordered.

"I would never!" He attacked Hyejin again. She easily disarmed Taehyung and the sword point to his throat, he recoiled the sword using his free hand and he draws his dagger and stabbed Hyejin right through her chest.

"D-Die Y-You B-Bastard!" She groaned in pain, she furrowed her brows.

They heard the Princess cried and she's trying to free herself from a guard.


Then Taehyung groaned and furrowed his brows, He smiled at Hyejin then he turns around then he saw Seokjin smiling at him with watery eyes.

"Taehyungah? Stop already." Then Seokjing stabbed his cousin with his dagger.


"I just have to." He pushed it further.

Seokjin saw Hyejin collapsed and she's bleeding so much, Seokjin let go of Taehyung and approached Hyejin.

"You! Choose her over me?"

"Yes." He smiled and his eyes get watery.

'Fuck Seokjin!'

A whilst can be heard and Taehyung collapsed face down. The prince drew his bow aimed at Taehyung. Park Bogum is surrounded and his guard lets go of the princes the princess ran towards Hyejin.

"She's calling for you," Seokjin said and he stood up.

"W-Wheenie?" Princess caressed Hyejin's cheeks.

"I'm here, my love," Wheein said while choking her tears.

Hyejin smiled at what she heard coming from WheeIn.

"I....I Love Y-you." Hyejin said.

"I love you too." Wheein kissed Hyejin, she felt Hyejin kissed back then Wheein pulled away, then Hyejin shed some tears.

"Noona!" Namjoon and Jungkook kneeled and grab her hand.

"Take care of her. Promise me?"

"I....P-Promise." Jungkook wiping his tears

"N-Namjoon." He gets close to here what Hyejin gonna say, Namjoon nods and gave her a sad smile.

Prince Taeyang kneeled and asked forgiveness for arriving late.

"Sing for me, my love."

Wheein trying to steady her breathing.

"I don't care if you leave or not I feel relieved, as if I took off a heavy burden I know I know.

This determination is useless, I'm just running in place I want you to feel the same way When I'm afraid that you'll grow distant I do, I do I won't look at you please let me go away

I'm not an angel I'm not that kind of person

I can't act calmly in front of you bad emotions take over I wish you were unhappy 'cause

I'm afraid I'll change because of you

But I'm trying to smile again."

When She finishes singing, loud sobbing is coming from Hyejin's friends. Then when WheeIn sensed that Hyejin is already gone, She cried and she released an overwhelming shrieked of pain and agony, she held Hyejin's body and cried her heart out. 

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