Chapter 9

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It's a cold morning, Hyejin is good to go. Even though she is still in a little pain from the wound but she's good, also she heard that the princess's fiancé will visit her. She heard from the maids that they still exchange letters with the princess, but he was so busy that he can't visit her in the previous months.

"Are you ready now noona?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, I'm glad that I can go out now."

"I guess it's hard for you these past weeks," Namjoon said.

"It is, who wouldn't? the Princess visits you every day and helping you change your bandages when I'm not around" Seulgi said while wrapping her bandages around her stomach, they saw her blush and the two lads just chuckled.



The princess went to Hyejin's room and she heard a grunt.

"I will kill that bear, she's taking so long." Then she turns her head when the door suddenly opened.

"I will h-help you with it." The Princess went to her side.

"Y-you shouldn't, Princess."

"No. I insist." Hyejin doesn't have a choice.

Still, she's half-naked, and every touch that the princess does to her gives electricity to her core.

"Done." Princess said in a low tone.

Shit. It feels so hot.

"T-thank you, Princess."

"It's the least I can do to you." The princess said to her, she smiled at the Princess.

"I will come here every day to check on you."

"But you have your lessons and other activities."

"I will go here first thing in the morning before my lessons and other activities."

"But it w-"

"No buts, just let me."

"Okay, thank you for taking care of me." Hyejin smiled and she unconsciously touched and caresses the princess's right cheek.

Beautiful. She thought.

She felt the princess caresses, her cheek. But she let out a sharp sigh and retreated her hand back.

"I should go to go, Hyejin-ssi. Take care." Hyejin stood up and bowed.

"I will."

They went to the princess, new chambers and she stood by the doorway. The princess walks out and she got shocked when she saw Hyejin standing beside her doorway.

"Hyejin-ah!" She hugged her guard and she whimpered at the sudden attack of the princess, and all of them chuckled at the princess attack.

"H-Hey~ It hurts my wound, Princess." Then she caressed her clothed stomach.

"I'm sorry!" she let go and checked Hyejin and she chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'm good to go. Just don't surprise attack me." Hyejin said.

"Oh! I won't! I'm just happy." Hyejin a sparkle in the eyes of the Princess, she's not the only one who saw it but also Lady Soonkyu.

"Princess, we must go now."

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