Chapter 4: Zeke pops the question

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Zeke drove up to Boris's family's old home. Maddy was asleep as Zeke honked the horn to wake Maddy up. Maddy jolted awake and froze her seat. "Welcome home," Zeke told Maddy as Maddy opened the door and stared at the house in awe. The house was like a mansion but bigger. "This is great! I can't believe we get to live here!" Maddy said as Zeke walked with her into the house. The place was really big on the inside as well. Maddy and Zeke helped move all their belongings into the house. Once they were finished, they relaxed. Zeke and Maddy looked at the house with pride. Maddy's belly gurgled. "Gee I'm pretty hungry! I could go for some froyo right now," Maddy said. "Well lucky for you I'm getting hungry too. Why don't we go to Tony's Restaurant as a celebration for moving in?" Zeke asked. Maddy kissed Zeke on the cheek. "I love that idea," Maddy said as Zeke and Maddy walked hand in hand.

They arrived at Tony's restaurant and placed their reservation. They went outside to where Maddy and Zeke sat down. Zeke and Maddy both ordered spaghetti and meatballs for themselves. After they ordered, Chernabella showed up with Christopher Robin, Chernabella's boyfriend. She spotted Maddy and tapped her on the shoulder. Maddy turned around and saw her friend. "Bella! What are you doing here?" Maddy asked. "Christopher and I thought we would come here as well! Fancy seeing you two here!" Bella said hugging Maddy. "We'll be a couple seats down from you guys," Bella said.

Maddy and Zeke were both finished with their meal. They had ice cream as well. "That was delicious!" Maddy smiled. "Sure was!" Zeke said. They were done with their meal as they headed to the park to stargaze. Zeke and Maddy pointed out the stars and made their own creations. Both turned to each other and kissed. Zeke stared at Maddy for a while as Maddy gazed at the sky. Zeke sighed, sat up, and rubbed the back of his neck. Maddy sat up as well. "Zeke, is something wrong?" Maddy asked him. Zeke gulped. He faced Maddy and put her hand in his. "Maddy, you have always been my best friend and my other half. I could not imagine a life without you. I wish we could start a family and stay together forever. So Madalyn Talia Lightfoot," Zeke said as he got down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" he said as he pulled out a diamond ring shaped like a snowflake. Maddy gasped, "Zeke are you serious?" "Would I ever lie to you?" Zeke asked smiling. Maddy jumped onto Zeke and hugged him. "Yes, yes I will marry you!" Maddy beamed. Suddenly all of their friends jumped out and yelled surprise. Zeke and Maddy kissed passionately as everyone yelled congratulations except one who was watching from a distance.

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