Chapter 14: Maleficent Finds Out

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"AAAAAA! Take cover!" Pain hollered as Panic ran around frantic. Damien was burping out fire and chasing the two imps around. Suddenly Damien grew bigger and sneezed a hot booger onto Panic's rear. Panic screamed. "What is going on here?!" Harley the harpy flew in. Suddenly a fireball was coming right toward her when Pain jumped in to save her. "Babe, what's going on?" Harley asked her boyfriend, Pain. "Babysitting that's what," Pain huffed. Harley looked around for her master. "Where's the boss?" Harley asked. "Oh Chernabog?" Pain grinned nervously. "Duh!" Harley said. "He's pool with the guards," Pain threw a comeback. Harley knew he was lying. "The mistress won't be happy about this," she said. Just then the door rattled and blasted open as the fire went out. Damien smiled, clapped, and threw Panic down. "Mama!" Damien cried out and turned into his regular size. Pain, Panic, and Harley gulped as they turned around and noticed Maleficent in her dragon form. "Oh no..." Panic shuddered. "My, quite a glimmering assemblance you two imps put up with," Maleficent told Pain and Panic. She picked up Damien as he burped. "Now where is my husband? He was supposed to look after our youngest," Maleficent said. Pain and Panic looked at each other, looked back at Maleficent and shrugged. "DON'T LIE TO ME YOU FOOLS!!!" Maleficent hollered. "Oh we are worms! Worthless worms!" Pain and Panic cried turning into worms. "Oh boy..." Harley rolled her eyes. Maleficent looked at Harley. "Harpy! Go back to the lava pools where you belong!" Maleficent shouted. "Yes ma'am," Harley said and flew off. "Now tell me...WHERE IS MY HUSBAND?!!!" Maleficent roared. Suddenly, Damien burped out a newspaper article. She read the front cover saying that Hades escaped again. "Well well what a surprise. Guess I will find out where my husband is myself," Maleficent said. "Do we get paid?" Pain asked. "DO YOUR DUTIES AND WE'LL SEE!!!" Maleficent yelled as she flew to her room. When she got to her room, she put Damien down in his playpen and texted Chernabog.

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