Chapter 22: Rescued

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Maleficent sat in the corner as Chernabog still tried to bust out. Meanwhile, Maddy was hooked up to the machine and it drained out her ice powers. Hades grabbed the bottle of blue liquid and put it on a necklace. Hades laughed, "Now that I will rule the Tooniverse, I will get my revenge and freeze all that have despised me!" Hades hollered as the villains all laughed evilly in unison. Suddenly, there was a commotion outside. Hades snapped at Jafar and Facilier and motioned them to see what the ruckus was. When they answered the door, no one was there. Then Diablo swept down and brought Jafar's hat down over his eyes. Facilier got scared as he saw a bunch of Maleficent's goons and Chernabog's minions in front of him. "Charge!!!" said a goon as they all charged and attacked Jafar and Facilier. Jafar escaped and told Hades what was going on. "That demon and his bitch!!!" Hades growled. Just then Cruella pulled up with her car. "Quickly! Get in!" she told the villainesses and Hades. "Where are you all going?!?" Jafar asked. "Leave the ice girl to rot while I take the baby! You know what to do Jafar! Don't let me down," Hades said as Jafar nodded as Hades and villainesses drove off. Jafar heard footsteps coming the stairs. "You want to be second rate?! Bring it!" Jafar said as he turned into a big snake. The goons and demons stopped in horror but they kept fighting and biting Jafar.

In the dungeon, Chernabog, Maleficent, Pain, Panic, and Harley sat there not knowing what to do. That's when Diablo swooped in and got the keys while Harley's harpy friends, Jezzie and Sasha, came in. "Girls!" Harley said. "Hey Harley!" the harpies said. "Get us out of here!" Chernabog panicked as the harpies grabbed the keys and unlocked the cell door. Chernabog busted it open. "Where's Damien?" Maleficent asked. "Hades took him," Jezzie said. Suddenly they heard coughing and ran up the stairs. They all saw the goons and minions fighting Jafar as a snake while the girls saw Maddy on the floor coughing. "I'll handle Jafar. You guys help Maddy and get out immediately!" Chernabog ordered. "You got it boss!" Pain said. Chernabog cracked his knuckles and began to battle Jafar. "You imbecile! Think you can defeat someone like me?!?" Jafar said to Chernabog. "Trust me bud, you don't want to mess with Satan himself!" Chernabog growled. Jafar lunged at Chernabog and then Chernabog held Jafar's mouth open. Jafar snapped it shut. "Listen demon! You have gone to far! Stop this battle now and I will spare your son!" Jafar said. Chernabog then grabbed Jafar's snake body and tied it in a knot. Jafar gulped as Chernabog's yellow eyes looked directly into Jafar's. "Don't ever bring up my family or my kids again, you fucker!" Chernabog then swung Jafar around and swung him out of the castle and all the way into the desert. Iago was playing cards in the desert until Jafar landed in the sand. "Jafar! I thought you would never make it," Iago laughed at Jafar as Jafar sighed in defeat.

The minions and goons cheered for Chernabog as he bowed. "You may all return to Bald Mountain. I got a son to save," he said. The minions cheered as Chernabog flew off.

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