Chapter 8: Chernabog's Escape Plan

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"Now to contact that dumbass demon," Hades chuckled. The villains looked at him. "You mean Chernabog? Didn't he become all goodie on us?" Dr. Facilier asked as Hades nodded. "This time I will change his mind. Watch and learn," Hades said as he texted Chernabog again:

"See, told ya," Hades said. "Oh Hades you are definitely devious," Grimhilde chuckled. "So what's the plan?" Ursula asked. The villains gathered around. "Here's what were gonna do," Hades chuckled.

Chernabog woke up from sleeping and trying not to wake his family up. He grabbed some stuff from his room and walked out. "Uh boss?" said a voice. It was Pain and Panic who were Chernabog's minions now. That gave Chernabog an idea. "Where are you going? The mistress said not to run off to do evil deeds anymore, remember?" Panic told him. Chernabog smirked. "What are you talking about?! I was going to check on Damien. The little tike has had trouble sleeping and there's nothing I can do," Chernabog slumped and pouted. "We can help!" Pain piped up. "We can?" Panic questioned as Pain elbowed his friend in the stomach. "We can!" Panic said smiling. "How can you two numbskulls look after a baby demon? He's a handful, you know?" Chernabog said. "Oh we are very good with kids!" Pain said. "Leave it to us!" Panic said. "Well...I don't suppose that if you do help out, you two might become employees of the month, I presume?" Chernabog smiled. Pain and Panic's face lit up with joy. "Really??? You mean it boss?" Panic smiled. "I'll put you to the test, I mean job," said the big demon. "Don't worry sir! We won't let you down!" Pain said as he and Panic headed to Damien's room.
When the two imps got there, they saw Damien asleep, sucking his thumb. They peeked over the thorn spiked crib. "Look at this kid. He seems harmless. Even more harmless than Hercules," Pain said as Panic nodded. Suddenly the door to Damien's room shut itself and locked. Pain and Panic turned around and noticed the door was locked. Damien started crying. Pain picked him up and cradled him. "Now now Damien, everything will be ok," Pain cooed. But that's when Damien grew upset since Pain wasn't his dad. He started growing bigger and did the loudest cry ever. "Shhh! Keep it down! I'm trying to unlock the door!" Panic shouted. "Excuse me for not being a proper parent!" Pain argued back. "Ah, it's no use, the door won't budge," Panic said. "You try to be the parent for once!" Pain told him. "What am I supposed to do?!" Panic asked. Pain and Panic tried many things to calm Damien down but none worked. As Damien grew bigger from crying, it was raining lava tears. "I know! Kids like rattles, give him a rattle!" Pain told Panic as Panic grabbed a spiky rattle. He showed it to Damien who stopped crying and looked curiously. Panic walked up to Damien. "Nice demon baby, nice demon baby," Panic said as he walked up with the rattle. Damien thought Panic was a toy and picked him up, cuddling him. "Hey! Don't squeeze my friend!" Pain said as he walked up to a large Damien. "No!" Damien said and continued hugging Panic. "Ugh, this is gonna take a while," Pain slumped.

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