Chapter 9: The Engagement Party

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Zeke and Maddy were getting ready for bed when Zeke felt a dark presence over him. He stopped walking. "Zeke, are you ok?" Maddy asked him. "Oh yeah I'm good," Zeke told her. Maddy was unsure of Zeke's uncertainty and crawled into bed with Zeke. "Good night Zeke," Maddy said and kissed him good night. Zeke did the same. Zeke kept tossing and turning because he was having the same dream again. He shot out of bed and breathed heavily. He looked at Maddy who was sleeping peacefully and shook off the dream. He kissed Maddy on the cheek and went back to bed.
   It was the day of Maddy and Zeke's engagement party and all of their friends and family were invited. Zeke and Maddy shook hands and hugged everyone. Zoey Luc came to the party and looked around for Zeke without Maddy in sight. Everyone chatted and talked. "Congratulations Zeke and Maddy!" Roo said as he and Applebloom came over to the couple. "Thanks Roo! That means a lot to us," Maddy smiled. Zeke nodded. Zoey Luc was writing down notes in her phone when Herbert showed up. "Hey Zoey! Where have you been?" Herbert oinked. Zoey got startled and saw Herbert. "Crikey Herbert!" Zoey said. Herbert smiled as Zoey sighed. "I'm doing fine Herbert. Just been hanging out at my apartment," Zoey chuckled. As Zoey was talking to Herbert, Zeke excused himself from the group. Maddy noticed this as well as Zoey. Maddy sighed as Roo hopped over and gave her some dessert. "What's the matter Mads? You seem anxious," Roo said. As Maddy explained about Zeke acting weird, Roo understood. "He's probably nervous about marrying you. Don't worry, he will get over it," Roo told her. Zoey noticed Zeke standing at the balcony and decided to walk over. Herbert was talking her ear off anyway. Zoey walked over to Zeke and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey," she smiled. "Oh hi Zoey," Zeke said as he turned to look at her. "What's wrong?" Zoey asked him. "I don't know. I have been having weird dreams lately and they won't stop playing in my head," Zeke told her. Zoey felt bad for him. Just then Leo showed up. "It's champagne time for you and Maddy, Zeke!" Leo told Zeke. Zeke smiled as he walked over to Maddy.
   As Zoey saw them cheering and kissing, she grew upset. Suddenly her phone rang and she ran and hid in a secret corner. "Yes?" she said as she picked up the phone. "Meet me at this location and don't be late," said the voice over her phone. She got a text and it was a picture of a castle. "Okay I'm on my way," Zoey said. Zoey snuck out until Becca noticed her. "Hey Zoe! Aren't you staying for the party?" Becca asked. Zoey got nervous. "My stomach hurts and I don't feel well," she coughed. "Alright I will tell Maddy and Zeke you say congrats," Becca said and walked away. Zoey closed the door and ran to her apartment.

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