Chapter 19: Maleficent and Chernabog's Chat

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The villains got to Queen's Grimhilde's castle and threw Maddy in a dungeon. "You won't get away with this!" Maddy shouted as the door slammed shut. She tried to find a way to escape but there was no hope. Meanwhile, Maleficent was flying in her dragon form, searching for her husband. She had Damien, Pain, and Panic on her back. Harley flew with them. She saw a castle and smelled smoke. "I got him!" Maleficent said. "Maybe we should turn back and wait for the boss at Bald Mountain?" Panic said. "It would be easier than flying," Pain said, about to barf. "Quiet you foolish imps!" Maleficent told them. She landed in front of the castle. "Dada!" Damien said. "The kid's right, guys. I can smell the sulfur from here," Harley said. "Look after Damien while I sort out this gathering and do not fail me," Maleficent told the imps and harpy. She went into the castle and disappeared. "Mama?" Damien said and started to walk away when Panic stopped him. "I think this little guy needs a drink," Panic said as Pain put the bottle of blood into Damien's mouth. Then he burped. "Well, now that we have the kid, what are we gonna do?" Pain asked. Suddenly, they realized Damien was gone. "Hey guys have you seen..." Harley asked but didn't see the demon baby. "Oh he probably went after Maleficent!" Panic said. "Now ya tell me! Let's follow him!" Harley said as the imps and harpie went into the castle.

Chernabog and the villains brought back their old contraption they used for Elsa when Maddy was kidnapped as kid. "The beauty is back! Good job on the find Jafar!" Hades said. ROAR!!! A loud noise came through the castle. The lights went out and out came Maleficent. Chernabog gulped. "Chern! Why is your so called bitch witch wife here?!?" Hades yelled. Then Damien came out with the imps and Harley. "What is this? Bring your kid to work day?" Hades said sarcastically. Chernabog went up to his wife and shook. He tried to act natural. "Hey hot stuff, what's up?" Chernabog smiled through his gritted teeth. "Well well, quite a glittering group. Sorry I crashed the party but this is about to end NOW!" Maleficent hollered. "Hate to burst your bubble but your too late! Throw Chern and his wife in the dungeon and bring me the ice girl! The demon baby stays with me," Hades said. "Whoa whoa hey! You can't take my kid!" Chernabog growled. "Finders keepers," Hades laughed. "Boys!" Hades called Jafar and Facilier as they threw Maleficent and Chernabog plus the imps into the dungeon. "Have a nice stay," Jafar laughed as he shut the door and locked it. Chernabog tried to bust out but to no prevail. "Damn! I can't burst these bars open! My powers are failing me cause Hades has the upper strength," Chernabog sighed. Maleficent grew mad and turned her back on her husband. She started to cry. "Mal I'm really sorry. I should have listened to you. Those assholes took our kid and I vow to get him back. This is all my fault," Chernabog slumped. Maleficent put his hand on his. "We will get him back together, powers or no powers," Maleficent said as. Her a Chernabog smiled. They kissed passionately. "Oh gross!" Panic said. "Maleficent?" said a voice. Suddenly, Maddy appeared. "Madalyn? What's going on?" Maleficent asked. "I don't know but it may have to do with me and Zeke's wedding," Maddy said. "I knew Zeke was trying to warn me but I didn't listen." Maddy sighed. "The only question is how are we gonna get out of here," Pain asked. Suddenly a raven came flying to the window. "Diablo!" Maleficent said. "How is a dumb bird gonna get us out of here?" Pain laughed along with Panic as Harley bonked their heads together. Chernabog found some cloth and charcoal on the ground. He wrote a message and wrapped it around Diablo's leg. Maleficent nodded at the raven as he flew off. The door opened and Facilier came out. "Where's our kid?!" Chernabog hollered. "Oh he'll be fine...for now," Facilier laughed evilly. He opened the door and took Maddy out as she struggled to break free from Facilier's grasp. They both went up the stairs and doors slammed shut.

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