Chapter 6: The Return of Hades

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The villainesses walked inside the castle with Hades. Shadows were following them as they entered Grimhilde's potion room. As they walked in, Hades saw Facilier and Jafar. "He's back! Welcome home brother!" Facilier said as he bear hugged Hades. Hades rolled his eyes. "We we're expecting you," Jafar said. Just then Dr. Facilier's shadow friends came over to the cauldron. "It's about time," Ursula said. Hades brushed off Facilier's hug as the villains rushed over to the cauldron. "Well look what we have!" Jafar smiled, smoothing out his beard. Hades curiously walked over and peeked to see what was going on. "It's that black dog girl from before," Cruella said. "But why would it send us this? That furball betrayed us!" she exclaimed. Hades was confused, "Um hello! What are we saying here? This whole memo thing is new to me." The other villains looked at him in disbelief. "You should know not to interrupt our conversation," Grimhilde spoke up. "Look you busted me out for no reason so tell me what the hell is going on?!" Hades madly said. "You want our help?! All you ever did was screw up!" Cruella laughed. "Excuse me!!! I can do better! Just tell me the situation and let's get over it!" Hades yelled. Hades pushed his friends out of the way and saw Zoey Luc crying on the floor. "How do you know this dog girl?" Hades questioned the group. "She knew the ice girl Madalyn," Ursula said. Hades paused and grinned evilly. "You don't say! Well this just got interesting," Hades beamed. The villains looked in the cauldron and saw a picture of Maddy and Zeke torn up on the floor of Zoey's apartment. "So she likes the Simpson boy, hm?" Hades pondered. Then the cauldron showed Zeke proposing to Maddy. "Now I see what's going on here," Jafar said. "Apparently it's a love triangle. We might be able to help this poor unfortunate soul," Ursula mentioned. "She's right you know," Cruella said. "And I know just the plan!" Hades said as the villains looked at him. "Oh I bet we can do this on our own," Grimhilde said. There was a pause. "Unless you think you can step up your game," Grimhilde continued. Hades grinned evilly. "Oh yeah. I know who can join us on this mission and I know just how to do it. But first we need to contact the girl dog," Hades said. All the villains looked at each other and cackled.

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