Chapter 21: Zoey Luc's Date

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Zoey got in a taxi and took off. She wore a blue dress that is Maddy's and a blue hair clip. She finally got to Tony's Restaurant and saw Paul waiting outside. Zoey walked out of the taxi cab and Paul couldn't stop staring at her. Zoey blushed. "You look stunning," Paul said as Zoey giggled. They walked arm and arm into Tony's restaurant and sat down at a table. They both ordered wine (yes they are both 21) and ordered spaghetti and meatballs. Paul and Zoey chatted. Zoey laughed at Paul's jokes while Paul was intrigued by Zoey's beauty. Just then their dinner was served. "This looks awesome!" Paul said. "I know, right?" Zoey told Paul. Music played while some people went to the dance floor. Paul decided to dance with Zoey after they finished their meal. "Care for a dance, love?" Paul asked Zoey. Zoey took Paul's arm and said, "Of course kind sir." They danced together to Bella Notte which was the song that was playing. As Paul and Zoey stopped dancing, they looked deep into each other's eyes again. About to kiss, Zoey's phone buzzed repeatedly. Hades was calling her plus it was almost morning and Zoey had to go. "Crikey! I'm so sorry Paul. This has been a lovely night and I will remember it forever but I have to go," Zoey said as she ran out the door and called a taxi. Paul followed her out but she was already gone. As Paul turned around, he found a blue shoe that was Zoey's and held it close to him. "I will never forget you Zoey," he said.
Zoey quickly got her phone which was ringing off the hook. She picked up. "What?!?" Zoey yelled. "Whoa kid, it's just me! How is it going with Simpson?" Hades asked. "It's going great! It's everything I ever wanted," Zoey lied. "Boom that's great news!" Hades said. "Listen our plan is almost complete. Once you get your dream and I get the ice girl's powers, we'll be unstoppable." Hades said as Zoey gulped. She knew this was wrong but she had to follow orders or else. "Catch ya later kid. This will be our success!" Hades cackled as Zoey hung up. Zoey sighed sadly. When she returned to the house and turned back into Maddy, she saw Zeke still sleeping in bed. She got into bed and sighed as she fell asleep.

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