Chapter 23: Wedding Day

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Zoey arrived in at the church as she got ready for the wedding. She looked at herself and sighed. She suddenly turned into Maddy when the door knocked. All of Maddy's friends and family arrived to greet Zoey. The kids all jumped on Zoey and gave her hugs. Zoey felt loved by the children until Elsa and Sierra walked in through the door. Zoey grinned sheepishly. "Hey Mom hey Mrs. Simpson," Zoey said playing it cool. "Oh Maddy you look so beautiful!" Sierra said as she gave Zoey a tight hug. Elsa nodded in agreement. Just then there was another knock. Leo peeked his head in. "Everyone's almost ready. You look great Maddy!" Leo said as Zoey grinned. Meanwhile Zeke was pacing back and forth in his dressing room. He knew something was bound to happen today besides the wedding and he was very nervous about it. A knock was heard outside the dressing room and out came his dad. "Hey, you ready?" Bart asked. "Yeah I think so," Zeke said as Bart and him headed out of the dressing room. Everyone was seated in the church and Zoey fixed her dress. "Five minutes Maddy," Elsa said. "Great," Zoey said as she headed out with Elsa. The wedding music started playing as everybody stood up. Leo held onto Zoey's arm. "You ok?" Leo asked her. "I'm fine just got wedding jitters," she said. "Don't worry it's normal to be nervous," Leo said as Here Comes the Bride started playing. Leo walked Zoey down the aisle as everyone looked at her in awe as Maddy.

Maleficent flew fast with Maddy on her back. They all saw lights and a church up ahead. "There it is! We have to save Zeke, he's in danger!" Maddy told Maleficent. Maleficent nodded as they got to the church. As Zeke said his vows to Zoey, Zoey repeated the vows back. But when they were about to say I do, "Stop the wedding!!!" Maddy hollered. Everyone turned toward Maddy and looked back at Zoey. "Two Maddy's?! That's impossible!" Laurel shouted. "How can this be?!" Amber of Enchancia said dramatically. Zeke looked at the real Maddy and knew it was her. Zeke's eyes filled with tears as he ran to the real Maddy and gave her a big hug. Lights started to dim as they completely went out. "Not so fast!" said a voice. Everybody looked up and gasped. It was Hades. "Great job Zoey! You led me right to them!" Hades said as he pointed to the other Maddy. "Zoey?!" Zeke said. Zoey started to tear up. "Enough talk! Let's get this party started!" Hades cackled as he drank the blue liquid from Maddy and grew very powerful. Suddenly, Zoey started feeling weird.

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