Chapter 10: Zoey and the Villains

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Buckle. Zip. Click. Zoey got on her hoodie and grabbed her backpack as she headed to the castle she was assigned to go to. She got on her bike and rode to the destination.

Chernabog finally arrived at Grimhilde's castle. He knocked on the door as the drawbridge came down. Hades was waiting for him on the other side. "Chern! You made it! Welcome to the club!" Hades said as Chernabog growled at him while walking by. As the villains gathered around the table, there was silence. "What are we waiting for?!" Chernabog yelled. "Not what but who," Jafar added.
Zoey rode her bike through the woods and got tired. She looked at her GPS. No signal. "Come on! Don't quit on me now!" Zoey said. Zoey looked around the woods. She grew nervous. She looked around and got scared by a sudden move in the trees. There were eerie noises. A crow flew by her and Zoey screamed and ran. Suddenly Zoey ran into a tree and got knocked out, bleeding from the mouth a little. The crow grabbed Zoey's shoulders in its talons and flew off with her.
The villains kept waiting for this mysterious person to arrive. "What's taking so long?!" Chernabog boomed. "They will be here shortly, I assume," Jafar mentioned. The crow landed Zoey in front of the castle. Zoey woke up and saw the castle. She looked at her phone and noticed the picture was the same as the castle in front of her. "This must be it," Zoey said as she stood up. She walked over to the drawbridge as it opened. Odd, whoever lives here must be expecting me, Zoey thought. She got out her flashlight and walked toward the castle. Dr. Facilier peeked over the castle window. "The bait has arrived my friends," Dr. Facilier said as the villains rushed over to look. "This is our shot! Now here's what were gonna do," Hades said as the villains gathered around.
Zoey walked around the castle. "Hello? Anyone?" she called out. The castle was really quiet. "I was called here by an unknown person that said was a family friend of my parents," Zoey called out again. The hallway suddenly lit up with candles as Zoey walked through. Suddenly Zoey saw a blue flame. "You've come to the right place, Zoey Luc," said the blue flame. There was a big rumble underneath and she turned around. She was face to face with Chernabog. She yelped and backed up as she yelped again as the villains started surrounding her. Jafar and Dr Facilier held Zoey back with Chernabog behind them. "Who are you? What do you want?" Zoey asked while struggling. In the light, Hades showed up. "You! You?! How did you escape?!" Zoey cried out. "That is highly confidential," said the villainesses as they showed up as well. The villains dropped Zoey to the ground. "Just wait till I tell the authorities about this!" Zoey warned. "You're not going anywhere," Chernabog snickers. "You said you wanted our help right? Well, here we are!" Hades and the villains laughed. Zoey came to realize that it was Hades who sent the text message. "That text message...those words..." Zoey whispered to herself. "You made a deal, you get a deal," Hades said. Zoey sunk to the floor. "What have I done?" Zoey said. Hades came up to her. "You do wanna marry this guy, right? He is and will be your everything," Hades told her. "I'll never get help from you! You're a criminal!" Zoey growled. She got up and left. "Let her go, she'll change her mind," Hades said. As Zoey started walking out, she started to think. She sighed and walked back to Hades. "Wait!" Zoey said as the villains turned around. "You're right, a deal is a deal. I'll do it!" Zoey said. "Excellent," Hades said as him and Zoey shook hands.

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