Chapter 4

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AN: Before this chapter starts I want to make something sure.

•Have you eaten anything today?
If not, why not grabbing something real quick🥰🍪
•If you haven't smiled today?
Watch this video😂

Ok that's it enjoy the chapter🥰💗💗

Haileys POV:
I woke up in someone's lap but I don't know his name or where I was so I started crying. I saw Harry the boy from the parc coming to me. He picked me up and I snuggled into his shoulder and stopped crying. I feel comfortable around Harry I don't know why. We went into a huuuuugeeee mansion and I looked around impressed. This house is even bigger than the orphanage wow.
H: Hailey? Do you want us to show you your new home?

I nodded shyly and they showed me everything, their house was beautiful, they had a big kitchen and an even bigger living room. Harrys bedroom was also very pretty and he even had a big bed that's so cool. I really liked the room of the blonde boy because it was really colorful with green and orange and he has a chair that hangs from the sky. To be honest every room in this house is so cool. It will be so much fun living here, I thought to myself. And all of the boys seemed quite nice but the one with black hair looks a little bit scary I think he doesn't like me. I don't know if I can trust them, only Harry.

Harrys POV:
Hailey was so impressed by all the big rooms I can tell, it's so cute. But I'm a little scared that she doesn't like it here, she has barely talked yet, only when I found her in the parc.
Wait a second, we haven't prepared a room for Hailey! How could we forget that, I guess Simon is right and we're just some selfish Popstars...

„Boys, can you come to the kitchen real quick, Hailey how about you play a little in here", I said while putting Hailey on the carpet in our living room, she nodded and the boys followed me confused.

Niall: What's wrong Haz?
Louis: yeah are you okay?
Harry: I'm good but we completely forgot that we need to make Hailey a room, she doesn't have any good clothes and neither a room or some toys, we're so bad already
Liam: Harry, it's okay calm down. Tomorrow we will take her shopping to the mall and she can just sleep in the bed with one of us today.
Harry: That sounds like a Good idea thanks Li
Liam: Ofc Ha-
Zayn: Why does she need a room anyways? Can't we just put her on the couch?
Liam: Zayn she's 5, No!
Niall: Oh how about we order some food I'm hungry
Harry: *I laughed at Niall* of course we can hahah let's ask Hailey if she likes Pizza?
Niall: Yesssssss I love Pizza!! Let's ask her

We went back into the living room where Hailey sat on the carpet and we heard her beautiful little voice talking while she had Niall's One Direction action figure in her hand. (They were standing on a shelf before). She didn't notice us she just sat there and played. We smiled so much aww. After a minute or so she saw me and said:"Harry, look this Barbie looks like your friend" she smiled which I did too:" You're right they look just the Same , btw are you hungry? *she nodded* Do you like Pizza?" Her eyes light up:"YES! I love Piz-" she quickly covered her mouth as she saw the others and looked down. I looked at the other boys worried but they just shrugged so I asked Hailey if she likes margarita pizza on which she nodded again.

Haileys POV:
I hope they don't slap me or hurt me for talking. I don't like it. I sat down in a corner and hugged my legs. They were all looking at me with a sad expression but I can't risk it.

I was bored so Harry printed out something so I could color while waiting for the pizza. I love coloring.
After 30 minutes the pizza was finally delivered. I ate a big piece of it and it was so good. When I was done eating I decided to say something:"Thank you", I whispered. Nobody could hear it except for the boy who looks like Harrys barbie doll, he smiled and whispered a "You're welcome love" back.

Liams POV
I think Hailey likes it here. I'm just a Little worried because she hasn't talked that much, only with Harry. I talked with the others and we thought it was a good idea if she spends some alone time with each of us. We decided that she should stay with Niall for the night because she's already close with Harry and she seems to like Niall. I looked at her and she was playing with his action figure again. And Niall seemed so happy about it i swear to god this boy is such a sweetheart.

Haileys POV:
In general it's pretty cool here I just don't know if I can trust them or not what if they're going to hurt me like she did it before?
A shiver came down my spine when I thought about it.


AN: I know this chapter is kinda short but I think it's quite cute🥰

Also i love y'all and thank you so much for voting and commenting🥰💗
If you have any recommendations just write them down💗🦋

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