Chapter 17

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AN: This chapter will be the one where Hailey spends some alone time with Liam🥰 enjoy💕
Oh and it will also have some Larry action and you'll need this Larry proof/clip to understand🥰😂

Liams POV
Since Haileys rib is still a bit bruised from her past someone needs to take her to the doctor. And since everyone said I'm the responsible one I had to take her.
I don't know is she's scared of going to the doctor because I assume every child is, so I went to the couch she's sitting on and picked her up. She immediately snuggled into my shoulder which I found adorable. "Hailey, luv. We need to go see a doctor. But don't be scared. If you don't want something to happen you can say stop and no one will force you, okay?" Based on her facial expressions I could tell she was still a bit scared and not happy with the idea of going to the doctor today.
"But LiLi?",she asked and I smiled at her and said:"yeah what's wrong?"
She quietly asked with the cutest voice ever:"Can you hold my hand please when we're at the doctor's?" I smiled even more and answered with:"Always"
With that I walked the both of us to the car and I put her down into her booster seat on the passenger seat. I started driving and turned on the teen radio channel when I heard a lady talking excitedly.

And that was Justin Biebers new single go check it out. But woooowow stay here cuz we have some epic news for some Directioners

for a moment I was scared they already know about tour which they're not supposed to

So listen closely. Liam Payne posted an adorable picture with their new baby girl, Hailey.

"That's me!", Hailey exclaimed happily and I chuckled

But it's not a normal picture. The little girl is cuddled up between Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. A lot of fans are convinced the both of them are in a secret relationship. And it's not an unpopular theory in their fandom that the two of them adopted little Hailey. What do you think? We ship it.
Thx for listening, my name is Kacey and your listening to TeenPopRadio.

A new song started playing and I thought about why everyone thinks they're in a relationship. I mean sure their friendship is maybe close than the other ones, but in a relationship? I don't know.
I looked at Hailey who didn't really knew what was going on. She was playing a game on my phone. "Hailey I need you to stop playing for a second.", I said, "Hey Siri open YouTube and play a Larry Stylinson compilation." The compilation started playing and I have to say if you look at them they somehow do look in love a bit. But are they? Oh gosh why did Harry say his first crush was Louis Tomlinson? The next video started playing, Niall was on the video and all of sudden you could clearly hear Harry asking Louis to do something reallly inappropriate in the background. I never closed my phone faster, I hope Hailey didn't notice that. We were almost there and I parked the car.

„Sooo Little Madame may I take your hand for the way?", I asked with a strong accent to make her laugh. "Yea you may", she giggled happily. I wanted to take her hand because I could already smell paparazzi and I didn't want Hailey to get separated from me. She skipped next to me and I joined for a bit, the closer we got to the doctor the more nervous Hailey got.
I opened the door and a nice lady greeted us:
"Hello, you must be mister Payne right?" I shook her hand and said:"yes that's me, and this little one is Hailey *i picked her up* her rib hurts a little bit, could you look at it please?" The lady nodded:"for sure, well not me but the doctor can. You can go to room 6 he will come in like 5 minutes maybe 10" "aight thank you. C'mon love"

Hailey's POV:
LiLi brought me into a big room where he put me down on a thing that kinda looks like a bed without sheets pillows but I clung to Liam because I didn't want to sit down alone there. It was scary and it smells weird here. So sanitized eww.
Liam sat down on the bed thingy and I sat down on his lap. After about 5 minutes a doctor joined.
"Hello little one, you must be Hailey, right?", he asked in a sympathetic voice and I nodded shyly and looked up at Liam who quickly did the talking: "Yeah that's Hailey, and I'm Liam, you see before we adopted Hailey someone really hurt her on her ribs, she got punched there a lot and there are still some small bruises that hurt her and we were wondering if you can make it stop hurting?"
The doctor came closer to me and I snuggled more into LiLi.

Liams POV
I could see Hailey tense up, she was holding on to my shirt a lot. I stroke her back. "I'm sorry doc, she's a bit shy. Come on Hailey you have to talk to the doctor otherwise your rib won't get better."
I looked at the doctor with an apologizing expression but he just nodded and smiled. He took a few gummy bears out of a small box and gave one to Hailey. "Look Hailey I got you a few gummy bears, can you tell me what they taste like while I take a look at your ribs?", he asked and i was super relieved that Hailey nodded. I helped her to take her shirt off so the doctor would have a better look.
"This one is strawberry", my baby said with a smile on her face, she then started blabbering on how much she loves strawberries.

Liam: So is it very bad?
Doctor: If you put a special lotion on it should be gone soon. Here is one free sample that should be enough since the bruise has already healed. While you're here, Mister Payne we should check some other stuff on her, she hasn't been to the doctor since she was like 3. I'm going to measure her, weigh her and do a few tests is that alright?
Liam: Yeah that's totally fine
Hailey: Can I have another gummy bear please?
Doctor: Sure, but only if I can measure you real quick

he laughed and Hailey did too, I'm glad she's comfortable here right now.
It turned out she was 102 centimeters tall and her weight was 14 kilogram. That means she's too small and a little bit too light for her age, no wonder they didn't really feed her at the orphanage.
"So you can see your little girl is a little to small and light but it's nothing to worry too much about, just pay attention that she eats 3 meals a day, okay?", the doctor informed me and I helped Hailey to put her shirt on again while answering:"Yeah of course, we always do that. She hasn't been with us for too long. Oh also how can we make sure she gets all her vitamins?" The doctor nodded and said:"You can buy them in the pharmacy on the other side of the street, they're basically vitamins in the form of gummy bears so you don't have to tell her they're vitamins." He whispered the last part and I nodded, thanked him and took Hailey outside.

"Hailey you did such a good job in there, I'm proud of you", I squeezed her hand while saying this and she smiled. We bought the gummy vitamins and on our way back home she fell asleep.

Louis POV:
What is taking them so long, are they..
-the door opened and Liam entered with Hailey who has just woken up I guess.
I was so excited to see her cause she has been away a whole day so I ran to her and took her out of Liams arms to spin her around. "Louissss", she giggled and hugged me. Harry joined and Liam went upstairs to look for Niall and Zayn.
"How has my little munchkin been?", he asked Hailey and booped her on her nose.
"Liam said I've been good at the doctor. And The doctor gave me gummy bears!", she happily told us. We both laughed. We were all goofing around a bit when Hailey asked: "Louis, what is a blow job?" We mother started at her with wide eyes, how does she know that word?! Harry started the next sentence:"Uhm... why do you want to know?" Hailey, the innocent 5-year-old she is answered:"because you asked Louieee to do a blow job for him" I took a quick glance at him and saw his face turn red. Why does she know this? "No, uhm Harry asked me to give him a bow on top, so he can have a bow on a present.", I stumbled and Harry had to hold back his laugh now. ,"how do you know about this anyways?" Hailey replied with:"Liam was looking at a Larry coplimation *she still can't say every word correct* in the car, and you also said that your crush is Louis" now she smiled at the both of us happily, poor kid doesn't even understand anything it's quite adorable haha.
Harry and me exchanged looks and Harry started talking:" Uhm, well... I'm just being curious, would that be a problem for Louis and me were together?" We both held our breaths and she looked up and asked:"In love, just like my mommy and daddy before they became angels?" Haz and me nodded and waited for her reply. She thought for a moment and giggled. "But you're a boy and a boy, in the orphanage they told us they can't be together" that stupid orphanage is such a stupid influence, first they tell the kids they're worthless and now this. Harry took her hand and calmly said:" That's not true at all. Boys can also date boys. So Harry and me could be together if we wanted. What do you think about that?"
"Oh", Hailey said happily, "I think that's that's sooo cool because when you're in love then you're happy and I love when everyone is happy"
I love how she is so open to everything.
"But Louis?", she asked and I looked at her and smiled:"what is it, princess?" She started with playing with her Niall doll again and said:"I'm pretty sure Harry said blow job."
This time Harry bursted out laughing and I shouted:"LIAMMMM!!!!!" through our house.

AN: I haven't been here in a while hahah I hope you enjoyed reading it, I'd appreciate it if you'd vote🥰

Also I Hope You liked the Larry action here😂💗
This chapter is kinda long and crappy😂, have a great day or night💕

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