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We went to the Burrow for Christmas dinner after spending some time with my mum during the day. We spent some time here last night, and once again Lily wouldn't go to anyone else but George. She just loves him so much. It's adorable. I was glad to have a break from her honestly. She was great and all but she was still a toddler. Sometimes it's nice to hand your toddler off to someone else for a time.
Fleur was annoying Molly with her singing. She was making fun of the music that Molly had playing. I can see why Molly doesn't like her, but Fleur also wouldn't act that way if Molly didn't give her a reason to. She didn't like her already, so Fleur was just giving her an actual reason not to like her. It was painfully obvious.
Harry asked Remus and I if we knew anyone by the name The Half-Blood Prince, and we told him that we didn't. He said he read the name in the back of his potions book and was curious as to who it was. So Remus told him to check the date in the back of the book to see when it was published. Then he told us that he overheard Snape talking to Draco Malfoy. Saying he made an unbreakable vow to protect Draco if he needed to.
It didn't sound too crazy to me anymore that Harry thought Draco Malfoy was up to something. It might actually be the case. Or Harry could still be acting out of hatred. I hope Draco wasn't following his father's footsteps.
When we arrived back on Christmas, George took Lyanna upstairs and I called, "If you two aren't back down here in 15 minutes I'm coming up there after you," At them as they traveled up the stairs. George looked back at me and smiled.
"We'll be back in 5," he assured me as they continued up the stairs.
When they came back down, Lyanna had a brand new, shiny, silver charm bracelet on her wrist. She showed it off to Molly, Ginny, and I proudly. The charms were very cute. All of the things that would remind her of George while they were apart. A Beaters club, a firework, and a piece of candy. It was truly adorable. It was such a thoughtful gift. They were a very cute couple and I was so happy to see them all happy. They deserved it.
The Minister of Magic came by at dinner to talk to Harry. He wanted to ask him if he would speak up for the Ministry and assure people that they're good. Like they didn't join ridicule him and call him a liar for the past year. Harry all but told him to piss off.
That night I was watching Lily play with some new toys that Fred and George had brought for her from their store when Fred sat down next to me. "Did you like the bracelet Lyanna got?"
"I loved it," I told him, "It was very sweet."
"Yeah," he nodded, "It was. He feels bad that he wasn't there for their two year anniversary."
"I can't believe that they've been together for two years already.
"I know, I'm proud of George. I thought for sure by now he'd mess it up."
We both laughed, "Or Lyanna would kill him by now."
"I'm glad that they're going strong. He fancied her for years before he finally asked her out. I didn't think he'd actually do it."
"When are you going to find someone, Freddie?"
"When are you going to be single again?" He joked, and I laughed.
"Freddie, you have got to move on. I'm not leaving Remus, ever."
"I know," he assured me, "I was kidding. I'm too busy with the store. I'm only 19, I still have time."
"By the time I was your age, I was living with Remus mentally planning the wedding that didn't happen until years later."
"Yeah, yeah, but there was a war going on," he said, shrugging.
"There is a war going on now," I reminded him. He smiled.
"Yeah I guess you're right," he shrugs. "I don't know, maybe I'll just enjoy my 20's and settle down when I'm 30."
I laughed again, "Better than what I did. Don't get me wrong, I love my children, but sometimes I wish I waited to become a mother."
"I think you did a great job despite everything you went through during the first war."
I smiled, "Thanks Freddie."
"I mean it."
"I know," I tell him. That was when Lily waddled over to us and showed off her new toy. "Hi sweetie," I said to her.
She cooed loudly, excitement in her tone. She handed the toy to Fred, who took it and smiled. "Are you enjoying all the new toys George and I brought for you, Lily?" She smiled and nodded.
"Georgie!" She said but it didn't sound like Georgie, but we all knew what she was saying. That was one of her favorite words after George taught her how to say it.
Fred laughed, "I know, he's your favorite, isn't he?" Lily nodded. Fred picked her up and sat her on his lap. "I'm going to be your favorite soon. Don't worry." He tickled her sides, and she squealed with delight. It was so cute. "You know, it was my idea to give you this one." He said, looking at my daughter, "I told George we had to give it to you. I knew you'd love it." She smiled and then hugged Fred around his neck, "Awe you're welcome, Lily."
"She loves you, too, Freddie."
"Yeah but I will be her favorite. Lyanna's favorite is George, so now I have to be Lily's."
"You'll have her heart in no time, Freddie," I tell him, smiling.
"You know that we don't know exactly what's going to happen, but George and I were talking the other day and we decided that if anything were to happen to you and Remus, that we would take care of Lily for you guys."
"That's very sweet of you boys, but we would never ask you guys to do that. That's what her godparents are for. Garrett would be first in line to take her in if anything were to happen to us. He begged me to be her Godfather."
"Well, we love you guys," he says, smiling at me.
"We love you guys, too," I tell him, "And Lily loves you, too, right Lils?" 
She nodded her head, "Yes."
"Awe," Fred says, "I love you, too, Lily."
They hugged one more time before he put her back down. Remus entered the room then, and he sat with Lily and played with her. She showed him all her new toys. He smiled and acted so excited to see every one of them.
When the kids had to go back to Hogwarts, I gave them both 12 Galleons to pay for Appriation lessons. Bradley told me the first apparition test wasn’t successful at all, but that was fine because it was their very first lesson. The only other interesting thing that happened during the month of January was that Harry told my kids that he needed to retrieve a memory from Professor Slughorn, since that’s what he’s been doing with the Headmaster, watching old memories of Voldemort’s past. He watched one of Professor Slughorn’s and it was tampered with so Dumbledore has asked him to retrieve the untampered with memory.
According to Lyanna, Harry has become obsessed with Draco and what he’s doing, he watches him on the Marauder’s Map, and he talks about finding out what he’s up to nonstop and it’s getting on Hermione’s nerves. I’m honestly worried about Draco, curious to know if he is working for the Dark Lord or not. I didn’t want to know what he was doing if he was working for Voldemort. It was sad that he had fallen into the pit that was his family. He could have been like Sirius and found his own family. I'm afraid he will end up like his cousin Regulus Black, dead somewhere never to be seen or heard from again because he had second thoughts about what he was doing.
Then, on Ron’s birthday of March 1st, he got poisoned in an accident. He ate chocolate that had a love potion in it that was meant for Harry that Ron mistook for a birthday present from Harry, and Harry rushed him to professor Slughorn to get an antidote, given that he is the potions master of the school. Then they had a glass of mead to celebrate Ron’s birthday, and Ron became poisoned. He was rushed to the hospital wing just in time.
Molly had written to me in a panic asking me to go check on him, and we rushed up to the hospital wing, where we found him lying in the bed, passed out and looking lifeless except for the occasional rise and fall of his chest breathing. “We came as soon as Molly told me everything." I said as I entered the room.
The Weasley twins were here, which was odd. They didn't tell me they were going to be in Hogsmeade. “This isn’t how I imagined handing over our present,” said George, grimly, putting down a large wrapped gift on Ron’s bedside cabinet and sitting beside Ginny.
“Yeah, when we pictured the scene, he was conscious. We were in Hogsmeade, waiting for him to show up and surprise him.” said Fred.
“You guys were in Hogsmeade?” asked Ginny, looking up.
“We were thinking of buying Zonko’s,” said Fred, gloomily, “A Hogsmeade branch, you know, but a fat lot of good it’ll do us if you lot aren’t allowed out at weekends to buy our stuff anymore. But never mind that now."
Lily didn't understand what was going on. So she was just excited to see Fred and George. Fred took her from me and held her while we talked for a moment. But then Madam Pomfrey came out of her office to tell us that Ron needed rest and we should leave him alone. I took Lily from Fred and we started out of the Hospital Wing.
On our way out, we ran into my older children. Lyanna was looking directly at George, "What are you doing here?" And then she threw her arms around George and kissed him.
"Hi Mum," My son said and he hugged me.
"Hi sweetie," I told him.
"You here to see Ron?" He asked.
"Yes," I say, nodding, "Molly asked me to come check on him."
"How is he doing?" Lyanna asked.
"He hasn't woken up," Fred said, "But he's breathing, and that's what matters."
They both nodded. Lily was reaching for her brother, saying, "Brother!" In her excited little voice.
He took her and she hugged him tight. "Hi Lily," he told her, "I've missed you, too."
"Bradley," we heard a dreamy voice say, he turned to look where it came from. Luna Lovegood was skipping towards us. She approached us and her eyes were on my son, "I waited for you."
"I was on my way," he told her, "But I ran into my mum."
Her eyes were on me now, "Oh, hello Professor Lupin."
"Hello Luna," I greeted her. "How are you?"
"I'm grand, thank you," she says, smiling.
"I think we should get to the library before it closes," Bradley said, looking at Luna.
Luna nodded, "We should."
Bradley handed Lily back to me and then he hugged me, "Bye Mum."
"Bye sweetie, have fun with Luna."
"I will," he said, nodding and then the two of them walked off together.
"What's going on there?" George asked Lyanna.
"I don't know," Lyanna admitted, "Every time I try to ask him he shuts me down. I think he's scared of another Walker situation happening to him."
"He definitely likes her," Fred says, a small smile on his face.
I smiled too, I know what that was like. He was heartbroken after he and Walker broke up, so to see him start to like someone new is adorable. It made me proud to be his mother. He was a good kid and he deserves to be happy.

Here's part 54!

So I know that I've said this before but this story will probably only be about 10 more chapters.

I will be surprised if it makes it to 70 chapters honestly.

But 60-something chapters isn't bad for a fanfic, right?

-Emily Winchester.

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