Tom and Y/n Holland Wedding and bit's of their future

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(Don't play it yet)

"Okay we're reacting to Tom and Y/n Holland's wedding." Olivia says sitting behind Jo.

"Didn't you just watched this?" Mobius asked.

"I know but it's so sweet and cute! And Peter sit your ass down over here with your wife!"

Peter stands up and walks over to sits next to Jo.

Pietro rolls his eyes, "They're not married here, Olivia." 

"Sadly. A lot fans ship Jo with Peter, Jarker, with Loki, Joki, with Bucky, Jarnes but the best two are Jarker and Joki." Olivia says. "Anyway let's watch the video."

Video starts


"Hi, I'm Tom Holland and I'm twelve years old." young tom turns to Y/n who had a big smile.

"I'm Y/n L/n and I'm eleven years old!" 

Tom and Y/n look at each other then said at the camera, "AND WERE BEST FRIENDS!"


The camera showed Elizabeth Olsen.

"WANDA! YOU LOOK AMAZING!" Jo screamed but to get a slap from Melina.

Wanda chuckled, "Thank you, Jo."

"Today is the day that Y/n L/n becomes a Holland!" Elizabeth smiles widely.

"I saw it coming! The way he always looked at her and it's very sweet." Scarlett Johansson says in the background.

"I agree with Scarlett, he always had a love sick puppy face when he always talked about her." Zendaya said in the background as well.

"What if he changes his mind?" Y/n says walking in the camera frame showing her beautiful makeup and hair.

Peter looked at Jo, "You look amazing." He smiled at her.

Jo blushed, "Thank you." but the moment was over when Pietro sped and moved Peter far away from Jo.

Everyone rolled their eyes at him.

"He won't." 

"I'm so fucking nervous." Y/n says looking at the camera and fidgeting with her engagement  ring.

"LANGUAGE!" All the six OG Avengers and Olivia shouted.

Steve closed his eyes and sighed, "That was ONE TIME!"

then the scene changed to Anthony and Sebastian holding the camera. "I can't believe it." Sebastian says.

"I know, she's becoming a Holland. I'm proud for her but in the same time I'm disappointed she choose him." Anthony says to Sabastian.

it changes to Emma Watson and Timothee Chalamet.

"I'm very happy for her! My little girl is growing up!" Emma says. "Oh! How I wish Florence was here to see this!"  looking around the forest.

"I'm very happy for her and I hope they do well in the future."

Olivia stands up, "Okay, fun fact, Timothee Chalamet and Y/n Holland or L/n dated for a while before she and Tom dated and got engaged. But they ended in good terms. They're there because Y/n is in the 2019 Little Women movie."

Jo shrieks, "I love Little Women! Who do I play, Jo? Meg? Beth? Amy? Please tell it' Amy!" 

Olivia chuckles, "We'll see that movie another time!"

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