OHIO 1995

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"Okay sorry, I'm not posting as much I'm working on another book right now. If you watched NWH I hope your interested in reading a fan fiction about a girl named Nathaly Rivera." Ash stares at the Readers.

"Isn't it my thing? I'm usually the one who breaks the wall in fan fictions, Ash." Deadpool told his fourth wall bestie.

"Yeah, but who's writing this right now?" Ash lifted an eyebrow at her bestie.

Deadpool sighed a went to sit back at his seat, "You." He said gloomy.

Ash turned to the Marvel characters making them jump in surprise, "We are going to react to the first few minutes of Black Widow."

"When are we going to see Jo get her powers?" Bruce asked the petite girl.

Ash looked at the readers, "Did I just call myself small? Yes. Yes, I did. I'm only like 5 '0." The brunette looked back at the precious boy in front of her.

"I still don't know how to make up a scene for that." Ash told them.

"Make up a scene? But-" Jo was cut off by the screen that showed the marvel studios.

Stephen Strange stared at the readers with a knowing face.

—— outside of the theater while everyone is inside except Ash who was sitting in a couch and looking at the cameras/readers—

"Okay, I should tell them that Jo, Prim, and James aren't real. Also Y/n and Elizabeth Holland. But I don't want crush they're beautiful fragile hearts especially Wanda she thinks he brother is alive." Ash rans through her brown hair.

"I don't know what to tell them. But it's best none of them find out." Ash gave the readers a weak/nervous smile.

-Doctor Strange was now sitting in the couch looking at the readers-

"I already knew. Obviously." Dr. Strange rolled his eyes. "Is this the cause of the Multiverse? Did she think that she could keep that secret from me please."

-Wade was now in front of the camera/reader-

"I just want to be included in this." Wade smiled under his mask.

— back with the characters—

OHIO 1995

We see 10 year-old Natasha Romanoff riding her bike in happy neighborhood.

"You dyed your hair?" Tony asked the red hair.

"I always wanted to dye it blue and Melina helped me." Natasha and Melina smiled at the nice memories.

"Hey, Nat!" A girl greets and Natasha smiles back.

6 year-old Yelena Belova was swinging in the swings while 4 year-old Jo Utgoff was making a flower crown with daisies.

"Awww you two are adorable." Wanda told the two women.

Yelena and Jo smiled at each other and then held hands, "Thank you."

Natasha whistles a long note and Yelena and Jo whistle back.

Jo watches her two older sisters challenging each other by hanging upside down. "We're both upside down." Yelena giggles.

"And I bet your gonna fall down first." Natasha challenged.

Natasha made faces making Yelena fall and lose.

"That's cheating?!" Yelena glared at his sister.

"Even when you were young you were competitive." Clint chuckles.

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