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"Okay, we're gonna watch one more video then go to bed. We're watching Luis! I waited this moment!" Olivia says

"Scotty! I'm gonna watch myself!" Luis says , excitedly.

"Yes, Mr. Luis! From the title that Olivia gave you earlier I'm guessing your good with telling stories." Peter says.

Hope: You know he was arrested for stealing two smoothie machines, right?

Luis: Two smoothie machines 

Scott: How's your girl, man?

Luis: She left me,

Scott: oh

Luis: Yeah, my mom died too and my dad got deported. 

Everyone in the theatre was quiet except Quill, Drax, and Rocket who were laughing.

"What is wrong with you three!" Gamora tells them.

then webs shot to their mouths closing them, everyone looked at Peter. "It wasn't me."

Then everyone looked at Jo who was looking at the TV, "Can we keep watching, this is my friends moment."

Luis: But I got the van!  

Scott: Nice

(scene changes to Scott reading a divorce papers in a cell. The Luis walks in the room but his hair was different.)

Luis: I'm not talking about cell block D, his wife has just filed for divorce and I was like, "Damn homie she dumped you while your on lock up?" and he was like, "yeah I know I thought I was gonna be with her forever but now I'm all alone." and I was like, "Damn homie but you know what you got to chin up cuz you'll find a new partner you know what I'm Luis!" and he says, "You know what I'm Scotty and we're gonna be best friends!"   

Everyone laughed while Scott stared at the screen, "That's not what happened." everyone laughed even more.

Hope: He's in the system.

Luis: I'm in the system. The system?

Hank: We're doomed.

Luis: I was at a wine tasting with my cousin Ernesto it was mainly raised and you know I don't raise man you know but there was a Roseate I say today was  delightful 

(The scene changes to another location)

Luis: I was thinking about tactic like when I go undercover like a whistling like you know blend in.

Scott: No, don't whistle. No whistling, it's not The Andy Griffin Show no whistling 

"Let him whistle, Tic Tac!" Sam tells Scott.

(Then it shows Luis in the building whistling)

Scott facepalmed, "I told you not to whistle." 

"I couldn't help myself, Scotty! But hey we did it at the end."

(The scene changed into Luis tied up in a chair.)

Luis: And then my heart is all like that fancy raspberry filling represents our company's rent and we're days away from going out of business! OH! 

Kurt: Out of business?!

Dave: Days away?!

Luis: Damn truth serum you know 

( The location again changes) 

Random guard: Hey! What are you doing?

Luis: Boss man said to secure the area so okay 

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