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"Okay, let me just say this as nice as possible." Ash says. "Vision dies, Natasha dies, Loki dies, and Tony dies." just said so unexpectedly. 

Everyone started to argue and yell at Ash, "Hey! Don't yell at me! It's Marvel's fault. I'm still not okay from Infinity War. Marvel need's to pay for my therapy sessions." Ash said. 

"Do you even go to therapy?" Sprite asked. 

"No, but I should but don't want too." Ash flicks her wrist and the lights dimmed down as the video started. 

 * We see Wanda clutching a piece of paper while crying. Then she drops on her knees and starts to sob * 

Everyone looked at the screen in sadness. "I don't like seeing my sister-in-law like this." Jo says gripping on Pietro's hand. 

* Then future Wanda bends back as her powers burst?* 

Loki, Sylvie, and Doctor Strange looked at the screen surprised, "You are the Scarlet Witch." they all said in the same time. 

"The what?" Pietro asks. 

"The Scarlet Witch is known for destruction but she in the prophecy says that she doesn't end the world alone. The Spider Witch starts off with spider like powers but then grief and struggles will push out her magic that she never knew." Doctor Strange says. 

Loki looked at Jo, "That makes more sense! In the trailer of -" 

He got interrupted by Ash who threw popcorn at him, "Shut it! You can talk about it latter." 

*Wanda starts to rebuild the house and her powers take over of Westview. A yellow thing like came out of Wanda's body and it was all black and white.* 

Vision: Wanda. Welcome home. *Wanda smiles* 

(A/n: I know that was short but yeah I'm not really good at describing stuff) 

"Okay, that makes you look like failure." Phatso told Druig. 

"I took control over a village." Druig stated. 

"Yes, pretty boy, but Wanda took over a whole town." Ash says. Druig huffed and looked at Wanda jealously.   

"Anyway you were saying something of the Spider Witch?" Tony said. 

"That the Spider Witch is Jo Utgoff or Maximoff. In the trailer we see her struggling with grief. She also knocked trees down with a psionic force. Then at the end of the trailer-" Sylvie got interrupted by  Loki. 

"The branches for the TVA spreaded out in the background. I think the multiverse is opening." 

Now for the next hints for the next chapter. 

"Where's your costume, Tommy?" 

"This is my costume. I'm the cool twin." 

"What does that make me?" 

"A dorksaurus rex." 

"Not a real dinosaur."

"James, did you drink my Boba tea?" 

"I did sorry, Prim." 

"Was it good?" 

"It was." 

"Oh, yeah, just don't do it again, okay?"

"I love you 3000." 

"Your Hawkeye!" 

(a/n: I know this was a short chapter but I hope you liked it! Love you all 3000!) 

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