Hello Peter Parker's, Aunt May, and beautiful Gwen Stacy

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"Aunt May?" Peter got up and hugged her and Aunt May hugged him back. 

"Peter! I got so worried about you!" Aunt May hugged her nephew. 

(After NWH I don't think I'll ever be happy again.) 

"Auntie May!" Prim and James ran and hugged her. 

"Oh? Hi?" Aunt May looked at Peter who just shrugged at her. 

Jo shot three webs at the darkness making three thumping noises. "Who are they?" Jo asked Ash. 

"Okay, there are three Spider-Man's. The first Spider-Man was Tobey Maguire which is this dude," Deadpool shines the spotlight at Tobey's Spider-Man, "Then after his three movies they moved on to Andrew Garfield's two movies," Deadpool shines the light at Andrew's Peter Parker. 

"The who is she?" Yelena points at the blonde girl.

"Oh that's Gwen Stacy one of Andrew Peter Parker's love interest." Ash said looking over at Gwen Stacy in a sad smile. "And is my number one favorite love interest." 

"Second?" Alexei asks.

"Michelle Jones." 

"Yes! I knew you two liked each other! I always see you two sneaking glances at each other!" Ned jumps on his chair.   

"Third?" Valkyrie said. 

"Jo." Everyone chokes on they're saliva.  

"What? I ship them. They have more chemistry in NWH then she and Pietro have like come on! It's like they forced them it's like Bruce and Natasha! They forced their relationship!" Ash ranted. 

"I'm sorry but where am I?" Andrew's Spider-Man asked. 

"You're in a movie theater that you react stuff in that little girls world." Nick Fury said. 

"Oh my god I forgot your here." Ash said. 

"We're the Avengers." Steve said with the Avengers standing up in superhero poses. 

"We're the Revengers." Thor boomed as Hulk, hulked out. 

"We're the Guardian's of the Galaxy." Quill stood tall with the others. 

"We're the Eternals." Druig said while his eyes glowed gold. Makkari waved at Gwen. 

"Wow." The two Spider-Man's and Gwen said. 

The next hint for the next chapter is 


(a/n: I'm sorry again this is a short chapter but I'll try to make it longer for the next chapters! Anyway thank you for the views and the votes! Love you all 3000!) 

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