The Cast Of "Avenger: Endgame" Tries To Survive Thano's Snap

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"Okay, I will explain about Thanos later but this is some of the cast doing a quiz to see who will survive the Snap. Again I'll explain later and try not to cry while showing you some clips." Olivia says.

Brie: Hello, Buzzfeed

Paul R.: I'm Paul Rudd

Jeremy: I'm Jeremy Renner.

Chris E. : Hi, I'm Chris Evans

Mark: And I'm Mark Ruffalo.

Karen: I'm Karen Gillian

Danai: I'm Danai Gurira avec Ms. Scarlett

Don: I'm Brie Larson

Brie: I'm Chris Hemsworth

Chris H.: And I'm Don Larson.

Thor chuckled at his actor.

Aaron: I'm Aaron taylor-Johnson

Y/n: And I'm Y/n Holland

Jo and Peter smiled softly at that.

Brie: So, we're taking a quiz to see if we would survive 

Chris E: The thing (Snapping his fingers)

Mark: Thano's Snap.

Paul R: And you're watching stuff online

Jeremy: Which Infinity Stone would you most like to get your hands on?

Paul: There is Reality

Chris H: Mine, Time, Soul, or Space. What do you guys think?

Don: Time

Brie: Really, you think that's the best one?

Don: Yeah

Brie: The one I least understand is probably Reality, so I'm going power.

Chris H: Guys, I'm going Soul

Don: I'm going Time

Scarlett: I like Space! I'm going with Space. I don't even know what that means.

Clint looked at Natasha, "Why would you pick something you don't know." Nat just shrugged.

Danai: I'm going with Time!

Karen: Everyone wishes they could have a time machine, right? So I'm gonna take Time

Jeremey: Doug

Paul: Pick Doug

Hope and Natasha looked at Scott and Clint with 'Really' face.

Jeremy: Doug Stone, the Doug Stone

Jo laughed, "I like them." Jo said in her thick accent.

Paul: By the way, I love Doug Stone.

Jo chuckled, "I really like your actors, Scott, Clint."

Paul: What's he up to? I picked Mind Stone because it's yellow. 

Mark: I mean, I'm going Mind.

Chris E: I'm going Time.

Aaron: I think I'm going with Time. So I can go back in time and see the 80s or something.

Y/n: I'm going with Reality. I would like to live in a movie like Harry Potter and add myself in it. (Wink)

Danai: Which Disney Character would you  choose to join the Avengers?

Paul: Queen Elsa, Hercules, Genie from Aladdin

Jeremy: Sorcerer Mickey

Paul: Elastigirl

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