Why is there so much hate on the movie Eternals?

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Hey! I know your all waiting for the next chapter it will come out soon. I might post it today or tomorrow.

I was scrolling through Instagram and I saw a marvel post about the Eternals movie that is just streaming in Disney + and I saw so many comment like, "This movie sucks" or "This movie wasn't even good" or "This is the worst movie that marvel ever made" and that left me wondering, why do people hate it? 

In my opinion I thought it was really good I really loved the new characters except Ikaris and Sprite. (Sorry if they're your favorite characters.) 

I loved how they introduced us to new powers I mean we have a new speedster in the MCU now. Probably Makkari can dodge a bullet unlike Pietro. (Sorry not sorry) 

But I couldn't understand why they hate it and maybe you amazing people can tell me why. 

Love you all 3000! Have a great day/night/afternoon!


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