Chapter 26

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Yoongi was huddled with members of the Min clan discussing battle tactics and wraiths. Sare was with him, of course, keeping a watchful eye on him.

Sare hadn't said anything about him being taken by the Phoenix or Eunjin or Jimin being a wraith. He hadn't looked at Yoongi with pity either when Yoongi told him how he had been able to see Hana for years, but he couldn't see her anymore.

Sare was... relieved. He had known Hana's and his daughter's death had plagued Yoongi for hundreds of years, and all Sare wanted was for Yoongi to have that happiness again whether it be with someone else or alone.

So he watched Yoongi closely. He watched him interact with each clan, and he watched him with Eunjin. He could tell that any cold demeanor Yoongi had was simply a front. Even when Hana was alive, Yoongi hadn't been open to freely conversing with anyone, but Yoongi was... Yoongi again.

"Sare, have you studied Eternal Souls?" Yoongi had asked him in the midst of Sare's thoughts.

Sare hummed thoughtfully. "I've heard whispers. They are rare."

"Well, we have two of them, so how rare can they actually be?"

"Yoongi, you said you saw Hana since she died. You should have been driven mad by it. Eunjin accepted you as her destined one, and that caused Jimin to come back. You accepted Eunjin, and Hana went away. Taehyung hasn't done anything, and he's already losing his mind and Daliania came back. They are rare because there is no pattern." He leaned forward in his chair and studied Yoongi. "Wraiths are creatures that, despite us knowing about, we don't actually know anything about them. Not all of them are Eternal Souls. Wraiths don't have features at all, but it appears that Jimin will keep all of his features. He will just be a dark mass with a familiar face."

"Could they be more powerful? One touch from a wraith and there's no saving you, but can the Eternal Souls be more powerful?" Yoongi also leaned forward. To the others, it just seemed like they were conspiring some secret plan together.

"I don't know. We can test the theory."

"And how do the two of you suppose we do that?" Another, Seungji, asked.

"There's an entire city Kim Namjoon has to level," Yoongi said as he leaned back in his chair. "We could see what they could do on the prophets."

"That sounds great, Yoongi, but," a different one, Gisun, started. "That's too risky. We need something on a smaller scale first."

"The Phoenix," Sare suggested. "Almost impossible to kill from what I've read and what you've told me. Jung Hoseok's fire came the closest, but that's too much power. It would drain him if he tried again."

Jungkook interrupted them then. "Yoongi, a word?"

Jungkook looked angry, but Yoongi could tell the anger wasn't directed at him. He nodded his head and got up to follow. They didn't go too far before Jungkook stopped.

He told Yoongi what Nari had told him, and Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose.

Yoongi had no room to be as angry as Jungkook. Up until a few months ago, he'd also been calling Namjoon a filthy halfbreed. But this was different somehow.

"Did she say who?"

"No, I don't think she even knows their names yet."

"Where is she? Is she okay?" As angry as Yoongi was, he was more worried for Nari.

"She's hurt, Yoongi. Namjoon may have dealt with this all his life, but this is so new to her." He frowned. "She compared it to the way Seokjin talks about Pran. It'd be similar to how I talk about the sea folk..." Jungkook began reconsidering all the words he'd ever said in front of Nari.

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