1. The Populars.

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*Story too descriptive. Please don't hate me cause of that*

"Is it too late now to say...." My alarm clock rang reminding me I had to wake up for school today.

Uggghhh.... To think I loved this song and now it betrayed me by waking me up so early.

I checked the time only to realize it was still 7:32 am.... Mehhhh... I could just press snooze... Don't press it.... Don't press it.... And I did.
I pressed snooze and that was my routine till the alarm rang once again making me eyes bulge out at the time.
Goddamn it was 7:45am.
I jumped out of the bed to reach the bathroom in time but my bedspread obviously had other plans because it practically tripped me before I got down.
"Stupid bedspread." I muttered in annoyance.

"Talking to your bedspread again I presume." My mother said leaning on my door. I nodded

"Pressed snooze again." She asked making me nod again.

"Oh well go take your bath, we are not going too leave late like last time." Mum said then walked away.


"Layla are you ready?" Mum yelled from downstairs

"I'm coming mother." I yelled back tying my hair into a bun.
By the time I was done it was already 8:05.

"I have told you to quit pressing snooze on your alarm clock, but nooo..... Momma isn't cool. If you make me late to work, you will walk by yourself to school from now on." Mum yelled.

I rolled my eyes then carried my backpack.
I desecended down the stairs carefully only to be met by my mother's angry face.

"And you're still coming down like a model, do you know how late I am?.... Huh?" Mother asked standing akimbo

"If you would just get me a car then all this would stop but noooo.... I'm too young for a car, I mean all my schoolmates have cars even the Juniors." I complained walking down the stairs completely. I walked into the kitchen then carried my rectangular food flask and I put it in my bag.

"I've told you... Safety before showing off okay you'll be seventeen soon. I can buy you a car then." She said as we walked outside the house

We both walked towards the car and she used the key to open it then we both entered.

"Have you got all you need for school?" She asked immediately I sat down.

"Yes mother I'm sixteen. I'm pretty sure it means I'm a teenager not a seven year old anymore."I replied making her smile.

Huh oh.

"It just makes me happy that you grew up so fast. I guess they do grow up so fast."She said pinching my cheeks making me wince in pain.

"Motherrr.... We need to go."I said then she turned her face towards the road.

"Oh yeah." She cleared her throat then started the car.

Another day at school ugh. Why can't school be two day while the weekend be five ugh.

"Layla Nirvana Mayweather." Mother called my full name waking me up from my nap.
I didn't realize I dozed off.

"Yes mother." I said smiling sheepishly.

"We're here already. Now get your ass out of my car before I make you."She threatened making me roll my eyes.

Mother couldn't be mean if she wanted to.
She was the exact definition of nice.
Well.... Except I offend her real well.

"Okay bye." I said carrying my backpack.

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