6. Wittle Finway.

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Mikayla dragged me to her room then locked the door behind her. I walked to her bed then sat on it and I dropped the bag on it.
Anytime I look at mikayla's room, I try not to be surprised.
She calls herself an Army of those Korean droll worthy guys.
She has their pictures all over and she says she can't choose on who to love the most.
She basically has their album and clothes with their faces on it. Even her phone case has their faces on it.
The ceiling is a whole different story.
She painted it like the Galaxy, and put glow in the dark stars on it so before she sleeps, instead of going out to gaze at the stars. She looks at her ceiling instead.
My room is just plain, it's painted purple with pictures of me on it as a kid and now.
And of course Justin Bieber pictures too.

"Stop gaping at my room idiot." Mikayla said, rolling her eyes playfully.

"It just get more beautiful the more I see it." I complimented, still looking around.

"Oh just go shower and change. I'll get the popcorn and the movie ready." She said and I looked at her outfit to see she was already in her pajamas.

"Okay then." I said then carried my bag and stood up.

Mikayla walked out while I removed my substitute pajamas which is my dad's t-shirt and my cousin's basketball shorts, my toothbrush and I walked into her bathroom.
I stripped then dropped my old clothes on the table next to her bathtub. I took a quick shower then brushed my teeth before I changed into the pajamas, carrying my old clothes with me out of the bathroom.
Mikayla was already in the room by the time I got in and the movie was already set. I dropped my clothes into the bag then carried my hair brush then brushed my hair and packed it into a pony tail as usual. I took my phone out then walked towards Mikayla whose eyes raked me up and down.

"Woah did you finally out grow your Minnie mouse pajamas?" Mikayla teased making me roll my eyes.

"No Kayla, they were dirty so this is my substitute pajamas." I said as she groaned.

I sat down on the second bean chair that she set in front of the gigantic TV then she turned on the movie and we got engrossed in it.

"That. Was...... Awesome." Mikayla said breathing slowly.
We just finished watching 'IT' and we've been screaming and holding each other for dear life, but then again we enjoyed it.
"I know right." I said as my phone made a 'ding' sounds which means someone messaged me.
It couldn't have been Mikayla because she's here with me and it couldn't have been mum right?.

"Who messaged you." Mikayla asked nudging me.

"Ouch." I hissed "I haven't checked yet Mika, calm your titties."
I check my phone, but the number was unknown. But then the message told me who it was.

Unknown: Hey princess.

Me: Finlay, how did you get my number?

Unknown: I got ways Princess.

I glared at Mikayla to see her giving me apologetic glances.

"Really Mikayla really?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry but it was Zaid who asked for your number, I didn't realize Finlay would have collected it." She apologized

"Of course he would. They're friends." I said then turned my attention towards my phone.
I turned the Unknown  into Cocky Idiot.

Cocky Idiot: Come on princess, don't ignore me.

Me: Finlay, I'm busy okay, I'll talk to you later or text you. Which ever suits it best.

Cocky Idiot: Oh please, what could you be doing so late tonight?

Me: I'm hanging with Mikayla. Goodbye.
I switched off my phone before he could even text me back.

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