20. Busy Day.

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"What do I have on my schedule for today Mindy?" I asked my assistant and manager.
She opened her iPad then did somethings on it.
I collected my scarf, glasses and hat then wore them in order to avoid being noticed by my fans.
Ever since I acted "The Good Girls and The Bad Boys" I had become a celebrity.
I was also a model for brands too.
I had acted an episode movie called "The Lilacs" I was also the main female lead there which boosted my popularity.

"You have a photoshoot for Mandy's Magazine and Soft soap at three pm to five pm. You have a meeting with director Yong Baek Hee at five pm. And you have an interview to attend with Maxine at the late Maxine's show." She explained. I nodded as we both walked out of the studio where I was practicing for the next episode of "The Lilacs"
My bodyguard opened the door to my car and I entered and Mindy followed suit.
* * *
"Oh you're here." Mandy, the founded and owner of Mandy's Magazine said rushing towards me.

"I'm not late am I?" I asked and she nodded negatively.

"Okay so tell me all about the shoot." I said as we walked backstage.
We entered and I sat on a chair.

"Well you're modelling for our new soap called Soft. After that you and a model are taking shoots for our magazine's cover." She explained.

"I'm allowed to wear towels right? I mean for the soap shoot." I asked and she nodded.

"Who's the model I'm shooting with?" I asked.

"Stephanie Jackson. She's a grade A model here." She said and I frowned.
Stephanie? Stephanie? Why does that name sound familiar?

"Okay so what are we wearing for the cover?" I asked.

"A skimpy coat dress for the first shoot. A long emerald gown for the next shoot. And shorts and sports bra for the last." She explained and I nodded. She clapped her hands twice and some girls came and started working on my face.
* * *
"Yeah that poker face is okay." The photographer said and I kept my face steady.

"Now smile." He said and I revealed a smile. He took one last picture and I sighed in relief knowing I was done for soft. Now it remains the cover.

"Where's Stephanie?" I asked looking around for the model who I was supposed to take a picture with.
A slim girl wearing a shirt skimpy gown suddenly catwalked into the studio and Mandy groaned.

"That's Stephanie." She said.
She looks familiar too.

"Wait aren't you Layla?" The girl asked.

"Yeah so?" I asked.

"I'm Stephanie. The girl that huh." She looked at me.
Oh slutphanie.

"I'm not doing this shoot." I said then walked backstage.
I'm not doing a shoot with some bitch who nearly destroyed my highschool relationship.

"Calm down miss Mayweather." Mandy and Mindy said following me.

"I'm sorry Layla. Look I was stupid then mostly because I was following Tiffany. I didn't mean too okay I just felt he was perfect." Tiffany begged also.

"Whatever. Cancel this shoot. I'll pay any amount I need to pay but I'm not taking pictures with this bitch." I said.

"Miss Mayweather, miss Smith wants to talk to you." Mindy handed the phone over to me.

"What do you mean you're not doing the shoot that fetches money?" Mikayla yelled from the phone.

"It's slutphanie." I whined.

"You will do that shoot." She said.

"No I will not. No matter what you tell me." I said.
* * *
"Good now Layla sit on the chair while Stephanie stays behind you." The photographer said.
I was doing the shoot because Mikayla had threatened to show the media my baby pictures. That scheming bitch.
This was the last one with the sports bra stuff and I was happy because I was sick of staying in the same room with slutphanie.

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