12. Dander.

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"What's the name of that song?" I asked Mikayla.
We were presently at my room and Mikayla said she had something she wanted me to hear.

"No more sad songs by little mix. You know, the one I've been telling you I wanted to hear." She said with a grin.

"No way you downloaded it?" I asked with a smile.

"No I didn't I just found it on my phone mysteriously and I decided to listen to it." She replied sarcastically.

"Oh my gosh, really that's cool." I said with a grin.

"Wait don't tell me you didn't.... Oh please you would know." She said.

"Yeah duhhh.... It's gotta be one of my ancestors who invested sarcasm." I said.

"Wait. What's Little mix?" I asked Mikayla who frowned.

"It's not what it's who and am I really going to waste my time telling you?" Mikayla asked with a raised brow. "You would forget sooner or later."

"No I wouldn't. I remember things now." I defended myself.

She stroked her chin with her left hand. "Yeah you're right. You even remember Maxwell even though you don't talk to him." She said.

"Who's Maxwell?" I asked with a frown.
She looked at me in disbelief.

"Don't tell me you don't—." I cut her off with a laugh.

"I remember Maxwell he's the one Alexander has a crush on." I said.
I wonder how Derrick is doing now.

"Honey I left your favorite on the dining and I'm off to work now okay?" My mum asked, worry laced in her voice.

She knew about it. About how I love Max and how heartbroken I was. I hadn't told her about how my heart was leaning towards Derrick.

I thought about all that happened these days. How I loved Max but he asked Geminis out and how I started crushing on Derrick too. How Derrick tried to comfort me but I ignored him.

I hummed in reply and she sighed.
"I called Derrick over, hopefully he'll cheer you up." She added before leaving my room.
I smiled on hearing his name then I remembered I looked like trash and he's coming over.
I better get ready.

The door opened to show me a lovely but sleep deprived Alex.
He looked at me in shock then traced my eye bags making me shiver.

Yeah his touch has that effect on me.

"You haven't been sleeping why?" He asked.

"I was worried." I simply replied.
He dragged me towards the sofa, sat me down then sat on my leg shocking me.

"Why can't he just love me back?" Alexander cried snuggling me. I patted his back soothingly

"Why can't you just love me back?"I thought.

"I... I just. Am I not good enough is that it?" He said looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"Look you're perfect okay." I said rubbing his back softly.
He nodded then snuggled into me again.

"He's not going to love me back right?" He asked and when I didn't reply, he burst into fresh tears again.

"He's straight. You can't change his sexuality." I said.

"You're right." He agreed.

"Wait what?" I asked in confusion.
He cleaned his tears then bit his lips.
Just doing that turns me on.
He's goddamn cute, he has me wrapped around his fingers but he doesn't realize it.

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