15. The Date.

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"Ugggh this is too black." Mikayla complained throwing the fifteenth dress from my closet away while I just sat on the bed eating a pack of chips unconcerned. Mikayla and I were the only ones at home since Derrick decided to stay at Alex's place for a few while mum and dad went out for a couples date.

"I think that's alright though." I shrugged.
Mikayla stopped looking through my closet then slowly turned towards me with a really gaze in her eyes.
Oh Man. The only time I saw her with this gaze was when one boy called amethyst purple. Let's just say he wore a purple tutu back home.

"What did you say?" She asked, hands on hips.

"It's okay to me." I said again.

"You're going to a date not a funeral." She said with a look of disbelief.

"Yeah an arcade date." I scoffed. "I don't get why my dressing matters."

"It does cause this is your first date. First impression matters." She said then went back to ravaging my closet.
She brought out a pink crop top and a faded blue high waist Jean trousers.

"This is cute you should so wear it." She squealed. I rolled my eyes.
I don't care and plus the outfit really is cute.

"Now to find—." Mikayla was cut off by the doorbell.
Saved by the Bell.
I ran downstairs to get it. I opened it only to find my date standing there with an amused glint in his eyes.

"I'm having a feeling of deja Vu." He chuckled and he wasn't lying.
I looked practically the same with the way I woke up yesterday except instead of drool it was chips crumbs around my mouth and instead of flip flops, I was bare footed.

"Hi Finlay bye Finlay." I said then slammed the door on his face like I had done yesterday.
I ran back up the stairs and I found my clothes neatly ironed and my sandals near my bed.

"Who was that?" Mikayla asked coming out of the bathroom.

"It was Finlay." I breathed out.
She gasped like it was a big deal then pushed me to the bathroom.
She washed my face then cleaned it with a face towel.
She dragged me out then made me sit in front of the dressing mirror.
She put some foundation all over my face, a little bit of mascara and eyeliner then lipgloss.
I looked in the mirror and I was me but prettier.

"Wow." I said.

"I know right. Now get dressed. We don't want to keep your date waiting." She said then left my room.
"Hey." I said when I opened the door for Finlay.
His eyes raked me up and down and he smiled.

"Never tagged you to be one who dresses up for date but then again I'm sure Mikayla made you do this." He said.

"You look breathtaking." He complimented and I could have sworn I blushed right there.

"Thanks you look eatable." I said then face palmed myself.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Layla Mayweather indirectly telling me she wants to eat me." He teased making me smile.

"Are you ready?" He asked.
I held a finger then went back into the house, I carried my phone, my purse and my key then walked out of the house and locked it.

"Thank God you didn't slam the door on my face again." He said smiling.
I laughed but said nothing.
We walked to Beatrice, his car which I was jealous of and then entered. He drove off immediately.
"And here the beautiful arcade is." He presented making me gape in awe.
It was an arcade. Am I supposed to be jumping now?

"So?" I asked shrugging. He frowned at me.
He grabbed my hands then dragged me inside.
We walked towards the counter and the girl who was behind was talking on her phone.
Finlay coughed and she glanced at us before groaning.

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