2. Easy There Tiger.

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"Okay for your assignments. I would like you all to answer Section A, numbers 1 and 5." Mr Fallon said and right on cue the bell rang.

Everyone got up and packed their books into their bags then rushed out not wanting to be late for their next class or wanting to get away from Mr Fallon. I called the latter.

"Remember to do your assignments and if you don't you know the punishment." Mr Fallon warned making students shudder.

Unlike other teachers who would just give you detention, Mr Fallon would ask you to the boys locker room with a toothbrush. This man was simply cruel and had no human feeling.

"Oh thank goodness that's over. I thought I was going to die of boredom and things that had to do with the circumference of a circle." I said as Mikayla and I walked out of the class not wanting to be late for Physics.
We had all subjects together so we were not separated from each other.

"What are you talking about? I, for one enjoyed the class." Mikayla argued.

"Because you like maths." I pointed out.

"You get a fair grade in maths, don't you? So why don't you like it?" Mikayla asked me.

"I get a fair grade in all my subjects Mikayla, I don't want a bad report sheet. I'm not nerdy like you" I said to her as we walked closer to the class we're physics was being held.

"Hey what'd you mean?" Exclaimed Mikayla.

We walked in only to be welcomed by the noise the students were making. I looked around only to find unfamiliar faces I will probably forget. The only time I remembered someone was if the person had come to talk to me or I see the person's picture repeatedly. I guess that's why I'm crush less. Mikayla and I walked towards the seats at the back that we're empty and then we both sat down.

"Have you seen the latest fashion article by Madonna Swift?" Mikayla asked me bringing out her phone.

"Madonna Swift?" I asked in confusion.

"Gosh.... Do you get partial amnesia or something?" Mikayla asked in an irritated voice.

"I'm sorry Mikayla but you know I have a problem with remembering people." I said looking down.
It wasn't my fault I had a problem with remembering people, just I don't tend to keep irrelevant things in my head.

Mikayla sighed then looked at me "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked that way, it's just you need to keep more people in your head. I literally talk about Madonna and you see her pictures on my phone anytime you go to gallery. She has a personal folder there." She said softly.

"Oh wait, you mean that hot ass lady?" I asked with dreamy eyes.

Yeah I rarely had a crush even on celebrities but Madonna is sexy as fuck. No capping.

"Yeah that's the one. Here look at her new fashion trend. It is so good" She gushed then showed me pictures of Madonna in different pictures.

And oh my gosh, this girl is fine as fuck and these clothes. One word. Awesome.
First picture– sundress, glasses and a neck scarf and flats
Second picture– long sleeved turtle neck and a short sleeved Jean gown and heels.
Third picture– a quarter back jacket, a crop top inner, boyfriend jeans, bucket hat and Snickers.
Last picture– a baggie hoodie and a short flay shirt with black boots.

"You like?" She asked with wiggling brows.

"I love." I said then brought out my phone "I'm so stalking her page now."

"That's the spirit. She's posting another one next week. She's going all tomboy. I can't wait." She squealed like a child making me roll my eyes.

"Good day class." Our physics teacher, Mrs Rivera said entering the class making all of us to stand up.

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