21. Meeting Finlay.

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"Ma'am wake up." Mindy tapped me.

"Leave me alone Mindy. I'm so tired." I groaned swatting her hands away.

"But ma'am, you have things—"

"I'm tired Mindy I wanna sleep." I interrupted her and everything went quiet and just when I thought I've won, I heard someone storm in before I was pushed off the bed.

"Wake up you bitch. You have a lot on your schedule today." I heard Mikayla yell.

"Geez Mikayla how does Zaid still put up with your aggressive attitude?" I said and she turned red in embarrassment.
Yeah that's right. Mikayla and Zaid are still a  power couple. Zaid owns a cosmetic making company and he had made it big.

"Oh shut up." She snapped. "Mindy here tells me that you have things planned for today."
I looked at Mindy giving her a death glare. "Gee thanks Mindy." I said.
She rolled her eyes.

"What do I have on my plate today?" I asked Mindy.
She looked at her iPad "You have a commercial shoot today, you promised your fans to have a vlive today, you are supposed to surprise a birthday fan today and you and miss smith are attending a night party."  Mindy said.

"Gosh. Being a celebrity is work." I groaned.

"I'm glad you see that now." Mikayla sneered. I pushed both of them out of my room.
I removed the necklace that was hiding in my clothes. I sighed looking at the ring.
I love you Finlay.
* * *
Mindy and I walked into Gold's Glitters company.
My jacket was removed by one of the workers, my bag was collected by another and I was lead to the dressing room.

"What am I advertising." I asked Mindy as I sat down. The girls started working on my face.

"Your advertising their new sports wear and track suit." She explained. I nodded.
* * *
"Great shoot today." Elaine, the founder of Gold's Glitters said to me.

"Thanks." I said gulping down a bottle of water.

"Easy ma'am don't choke on it." Mindy joked cautiously.
I nodded then reduced the way I drank the water.

"What's next?" I asked Mindy.

"Your vlive ma'am. Should I contact the driver?" She asked and I nodded.
* * *
"Hey guys." I said cleaning my makeup with my makeup cleanser.
I was presently at home doing the vlive and I was using my phone as a mirror.

"So I promised y'all a vlive today but I don't know what to do." I said.

"Boo." Someone suddenly screamed from behind me and I fell off my chair.

"Ouch." I hissed standing up.

"Can't you be matured Mika?" I asked, hands on hips.
Laughing emojis were just floating on the screen.

"Says the person who still sleeps with a teddy bear." Mikayla mocked and I gasped.

"I do not." I denied. I turned to the phone screen back "Don't mind her she's dizzy."

"I am not." Mikayla said then jumped on me.

"I'm ouch— I'm having a vlive Mika." I said pushing Mikayla off me.

"Oh my gosh." She stood up then looked at my phone. "Hello beautiful people, hope you got my good side."

"You have no good side Mika." I stood up then dusted my clothes.

"Hey on the bright side, I gave your viewers something to laugh about. I mean look at how emojis are floating on your screen girl." Mikayla said and she had a valid point there.

"I have an idea for my vlive and since you're here, you can make it better." I said to Mikayla who flipped her hair.

"Of course. I make everything better."

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