24. Award show and explanations.

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"Woah this place is packed up." I said as we walked into the place the award show was taking place.

"Celebrities are here for awards duh." Mikayla said.

Someone tapped me from behind. "Hey sis." The person said. I looked back only to see Derrick, his mum, Alexander, Maxwell and Psalm.

"Derrick." I yelled. I hugged him and he hugged me back.
We disengaged and I hugged his mum.

"I missed you aunt." I said.

"If you missed me so well, why didn't you visit me?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, all these celebrity lifestyle got a lot of work." I apologized then we disengaged.

"Brother in law." I poked Alex who grinned.

"So when's the wedding?" I asked.

"When you forgive Finlay." They said and I frowned.

"Hey Maxwell and his hot stuff I would totally love to do if I was a guy and gay." I greeted Maxwell and Psalm who burst into laughter.

"Ma'am we need to go the award show is starting." Mindy whispered. I looked around only to find out Mika isn't with me.

"She left with her boyfriend." Mindy answered my unspoken question. I nodded.

"Well. I need to go seat down, the show's starting." I said to my family and friends and they nodded.

My phone rang as Mindy and I were walking towards out seat.
"Hello mum." I said immediately I picked it.

"Baby your dad and I will be a little late but we'll the there okay?" Mum said and I replied with an "okay" before I hung up.
* * *
The show was still going on and several people had collect awards.

"And now we call on best romance actors the nominees are—." Melissa Kendall said. "Robert Lincoln, Aiden Mariano, Axel Mendel and Andrew Lester."

"And the winner is, give it up for...." She kept us in suspense. "Aiden Mariano."
And everyone started clapping.
I really wished it was Robert though.
Aiden walked towards the stage then collected the mic and award trophy from Melissa.

"Thank you Melissa." He said then faced us.

"Honestly I didn't prepare a speech for this because I've never been good at writing things." He said and we all laughed.

"But I just want to say thanks to all my fans because without you guys I'm nothing." Aiden said. "And thanks to my anti fans too cause basically you guys made me want to be better in all that I do. Thanks a lot." He said, handed the mic back to Melissa then walked down from the stage.

"And best romance actress, the nominees are Tiffany Williams, Layla Mayweather, Matilda Chen and finally Karen Atlas." Melissa said.

"And this year's lucky winner is, give it up for." Melissa said "Layla Mayweather." Everyone burst into a round of applause.
Mikayla hugged me.

"Oh my gosh." I stood up happily then walked to the stage.
Melissa handed my trophy and the mic to me.

"I'm so happy. Words can't describe my happiness." I started. "It's like luck is always on my side because I became someone known immediately I entered the entertainment industry." I said. "I just want to thank all my family members and friends." I looked towards Mika and the rest. "I want to thank Mr and Mrs Mayweather." I looked at my parents who waved at me eagerly. "And I want to thank someone else." I looked at Finlay.

"Finally I love all my fans a lot and I owe them a lot for making me win this." I said then handed the mic back to Melissa then walked back to my seat.

"And the next award which is most talented young female model and the nominees are." Melissa said. "Stephanie Storm, Ellie Louridge, Marianne Metolda and Aliyah Williams."

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