13. Maxwell's Gay.

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"Aw I'm so happy for you." I said nudging Mikayla who giggled.
She just told me Zaid asked her out and she said yes.

"So what about you and Finlay?" She asked making me frown in confusion.

"What about us?" I asked.

"Quit playing dumb." She hissed.
I wasn't even playing dumb.

"You two have undeniable chemistry and sexual attraction for each other." She stated.
I looked at her blankly. I blinked once, then twice and then thrice before bursting into laughter.

"You— you think we have chemistry." I wheezed out making her frown.

"I don't think, I know. So far he's the only boy you talk to, you insult him and he acts like he's offended, he calls you princess and you call him wittle Finway, and you blush when he flirts with you. I think that's enough point that you have chemistry." She stated making me speechless.

She's right but I didn't think of it that way. I thought it was what people did with their friends and stuff since Mikayla was my only friend.

"I—I do like him." I muttered quietly making Mikayla grin.

"You see. So when you guys going to date and stuff?" She asked.

"Huh Mikayla I don't know if he even likes me back." I said but she rolled her eyes.

"Look idiot he does like you back that's why he put up with you. I'm a love doctor so trust me." She said. I gave her a look that says "the fuck".

"When the hell did you become a love doctor?" I asked scrunching my brows.
She just shrugged.

"All I'm saying is Finlay likes you as much as you like him." She explained.

"Now that I've realized all these it's gonna be awkward between us." I muttered.
Boy was I right when I said that.
We were presently at school and Finlay and I have been staring at each other for three minutes now.

"Hi." I finally said, breaking the silence.

"Hi? That's all?" He asked throwing his hands up in the air.

"You're never speechless princess." He said making my breath hitch. Princess. That nickname that makes my heart beat furiously. "If I didn't know better I would have said you had a crush on me." I suddenly froze. He knows?

"Geez I was kidding princess what's up with you?" He asked worriedly. Nice to know he cares.

"Nothing. Why would you think anything is wrong?" I asked, laughing nervously.

"You're acting weird like you're nervous or something." He muttered.

"I'm not." I said "let's go to the cafeteria the others are probably wondering why we're late." I dragged him but immediately recoiled. He frowned at me making me feel guilty.

"I.... Meet me there." I said then ran to the cafeteria

"Woah calm down why are you running?" Mikayla asked immediately I got to our table at the cafeteria making the others look at me.

"I.... Nothing." I replied then sat down next to Mikayla.

"Wait where's Finlay? I thought you went to get him." Derrick asked looking confused.

"Well—." I said.

"Why did you run like that princess?" Finlay's voice cut me off and I face palmed myself mentally.

"Nothing nothing." I quickly said.
He sat down next to me making our hands brush together.
I feel nervous, I've never felt this way and it's annoying.
I'm mentally squirming.
He casually slung his hands over my shoulder then grinned at the others.

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