22. Jealous Finlay.

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"Why the hell are you here?" I asked him.

"I'm staying in LA for now." He replied.

"No. I mean why are you here at this party?" I asked.

"Valentino invited me duhhh." He replied.

"I missed you." He stroked my cheeks softly. I almost have in before remembering what he did to me.
I slapped his hand.

"Ouch." He pouted.

"You don't get to leave me and then come back telling me you missed me." I hissed then walked out of the venue.
I walked to my car and my driver opened the door for me.

"Are you going ma'am?" He asked and I nodded negatively.

"No. I'm not feeling okay so I'll just sit here for a while. Leave the door okay please." I said. He nodded then went to seat in the driver's seat.
I sat in my car for a while thinking about Finlay.
Am I that gullible to allow him into my arms?
Does he think I'm that stupid?

"Layla." I heard a voice say softly before I looked up only to see Finlay looking at me vulnerably.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"I'm sorry babe. I just—"

"No you don't get to call me babe you dog." I interrupted.
He sighed then raked his hands through his hair. That same curly hair I've always dreamed of touching.

"Look I have an explanation for everything that happened." He pleaded.
I nodded then shifted while he sat next to me.

"I didn't mean to leave without an explanation—"

"But you did." I interrupted.

"I swear it was a short notice. I didn't even know we were leaving so I couldn't tell you and—"

"You couldn't text me."

"My phone was—"

"Oh spare me all these your goddamn explanation okay." I shouted.
He looked at my fingers and a flick of sadness passed through his eyes.

"The ring?" He whispered.

"I threw it away." I lied.
I couldn't throw that ring if I tried.

"I know you're mad at me but please let me explain." He said.

"Oh em gee Finlay Baker." Someone squealed.
We looked up to see Mindy.

"Mindy aren't you supposed to be in?" I asked.

"I couldn't find you so I was worried. I asked Mikayla and Robert but they both said they didn't see you." She said.

"Robert?" Finlay asked.

"Co actor." I explained and he nodded.

"See I told you she's okay." I heard someone say before Mikayla, Robert and Zaid came to sight.

"Oh thank God." Mikayla heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh hey Finlay." She waved at him making me raise my brow in confusion.

"Oh he explained his reason to me. At first I was furious but then I calmed down." Mikayla explained seeing my confusion.

"See even Mikayla forgives me." Finlay said.
I rolled my eyes at him.

"Where did you even him?" I asked Mika.

"When I went to see Zaid." She said.

"Yeah sure everyone forgets about me." Robert muttered.
Finlay raised a brow at him.

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