8. You gay too?

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"So Derrick's resuming school with us?" Mikayla asked as we walked out of school.
School was over but the boys Finlay and Alexander were waiting for Zaid and Maxwell, who both had basketball and football practice.

"I remember saying that, didn't I?" I asked Mikayla who scoffed at my response.
We both walked outside the school doors and to the road side to wait for Mikayla's mum so she would drop me at home first before taking Mikayla home.
I had planned to take a cab before, but Mikayla said her mum could drop me first so I agreed.

"I think Alexander has a crush on Maxwell." I blurted out of the blue.

"I realized it too. I mean he turns red at almost everything Maxwell says but Maxwell is straight." Mikayla replied agreeing with me.

"I also think Derrick and Alexander would hit off." I added too making Mikayla beam.

"I would like to see them make out." Mikayla said clapping her hands gleefully.
A horn disrupted our conversation.

"Come on, mum's here." Mikayla said then we both walked over to Mikayla's Mum's car.

"Hey Mrs Smith." I greeted opening the back door while Mikayla called shot gun.
I entered the back and locked the car door behind me then she drove off

"Oh hey Layla, how was school?" She asked making Mikayla scoff.

"It was school as usual." I replied with a smile and she hummed in response.
Soon silence enveloped us.
The car ride was peacefully and comfortably silent for a while until Mrs Smith broke it saying we're at my place already.

"Thanks Mrs Smith." I said then opened the door and for down.

"No problem sweetie." Mrs Smith replied, a smile on her face.

"Bye Mika." I said to Mikayla.

"Bye Layla, tell Derrick I said hi." She said then her mum drove off.
I walked towards the house then carried the spare key from the plant outside our house.
I opened the door then walked to my room.
Immediately I got into my room, I dropped my bag on the bed then stripped and walked towards the bathroom.
I stepped into the jacuzzi then set the water to cold this time.
I poured the vanilla scented bath salt Derrick's mum bought for me the last time she came into the water before getting in.
I came out of the bathroom covered in a long night gown.

"Honey I'm home." Mum yelled from downstairs.

"Me too." I heard a deep voice say which means Derrick is here too.

I quickly wore my flip flops and ran out of my room, down the stairs nearly tripping on my own foot then jumped on Derrick.

"Twinnie." I said still hugging him.

"Twin sis. How you been?" He asked dropping me down.
His eyes raked me up and down before he smiled.

"Those boys asking you out huh?" He asked wiggling his brows at me.

"No she's anti social." Mum replied for me.

"Good, I thought I have to act like a big brother since I'm staying here till college." Derrick said making me beam.

"Any boyfriend yet?" I asked him.

"Nope." He said popping the 'P' sound.

"Well I've got a friend you'll like at school." I said wiggling my brows at him.

"Come on girl let's go gi—." Derrick said.

"Nah ah nuh uh .... You two get over here and carry all these boxes and suitcases to Derrick's room." Mum said stopping Derrick from completing his words.

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