18. Prom.

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"Babe just talk to me." Finlay stopped me in school again.
Today was a Monday and camp was over a week ago. I had succeeded in avoiding him more than a week while Stephanie kept on giving me smug looks.

"No Finlay you do not call me that. I'm not going to talk to you." I said then pushed him away. I walked towards the class and entered when Mikayla ushered me to come sit next to her and I accepted.

"Can you tell me all that happened that day from the beginning?" She asked and I groaned.

"Okay I was chatting with him and I went to pee. I heard someone come in before the person walked out. I thought it was just someone who forgot her room number so I brushed it off. I went back to using my phone and I saw an odd text from Finlay. I thought it was just because he misses me so I told him okay." I explained, my heart bleeding from remembering the incident.

"Bingo." Mikayla exclaimed, put her earpiece in my ear and played an audio
My eyes widened because of what I heard.

Tiffany: Did the plan work?

Stephanie: Yes and they broke up.

Tiffany: Did you delete the text?

Stephanie: But Finlay only hates me the more.

Tiffany: Maybe you should try seducing him. He'll come around.

Seriously, do these girls think about boys only.

"I should have trusted him." I said weakly.
He was right.

"That means Stephanie deleted the message both in my phone and his." I reasoned.

"And watch this." She played a video showing me when Finlay was trying to get away from Stephanie but Stephanie kissed him and he couldn't push her out of shock.

"I need to find him." I said then made to stand up before Mr Fallon entered.

"Or maybe later." I leaned back in my seat.
I entered the garden which Zaid advised Finlay would be in.
I noticed the boys come here if they want to be alone.

"Hi." I whispered sitting next to him.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize you weren't the one who sent the message." He pleaded.
How can he still beg when clearly I'm the one at fault here.

"I should have noticed when she added kissing emojis." He said.
Hey. I'm not that unromantic.

"Don't apologise. I'm sorry for not trusting you." I said to him.

"You found out?" He asked and I nodded.

"Are we back together?" He asked with an hopeful expression.

"No we're not. I didn't trust you when I should have. I don't think I deserve you." I said.

"But don't you see you're hurting me? It's painful. All I want is to kiss you." He said in a vulnerable tone.

"I.. I'm sorry." I said. "But we can be friends."
He smiled at me then hugged me.
I sighed in content.
I missed his touch now I need his lips but I can't get it because we're just friends.
"How was the exam?" I asked Mikayla as we both walked out of the hall.
This was the final exam which determines our life now so I had put extra effort in it.

"It's English. Of course it was okay." She said to me in a duh tone and I rolled my eyes.
Mikayla was the actual nerd between the both of us.
While I just aced few of my subjects, she always got straight A's.

"So you're going into writing right?" I asked. Mikayla had always had a passion for writing. However, she was confused on what to do because she loved maths, physics and chemistry.

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