Chapter 3

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A/N: This is a day late and I'm so sorry! But please enjoy Chapter 3! 

"Today we're going to be playing dodgeball, so I want you all to split into two even groups. Make sure one side isn't unevenly matched." Mr. Howell ordered.

The girls stayed with me while Jaxon and Felix went to the opposite team. Once Mr. Howell was satisfied with how the teams looked he began to put the balls in the middle of the gym.

"These are the rules. No face shots, if you get hit in the face the person who threw the ball is out. If you manage to catch a ball that was thrown you are safe but if you were the one who threw it you're out. We play until one side is completely out. On the count of three you can" He blew the whistle.

People started running towards the balls but I hung back waiting for the other team to throw. Three people from our team including Rosie, and five people from the other were out. A ball headed in my direction but I spun away from it, picking it up when it rolled back to me.

Looking around I see that there were only two other people left on my team while Jaxon's team had four. Soon enough it was down to just me versus Felix, I was getting ready to throw my ball when he threw his and it hit me straight in the nose.

"Oh shit Alex! I didn't mean to hit you." He came running towards me.

But I pointed at him, making him stop.

"You're out." I smirked.

"Fucking hell." He mumbled.

"Um hey Alex, you might want to go to the nurse you're kinda bleeding." Rosie pointed at my face.

I reached up to wipe under my nose and sure enough there was a streak of blood.

"She's right, I'm gonna send you to the nurse to make sure you don't have a broken nose. Castillo go with her, make sure she doesn't touch any doors." Mr. Howell instructed.

Jaxon holds open the gym doors while I hold a hand under my nose to try and stop the bleeding.

"You took that like a champ," Jaxon pointed out.

"I'm used to having balls in my face," I joked.

Jaxon smirked, causing that dimple to pop out.

"No but seriously, I have a 6 year old brother at home and with my dad gone I'm normally the one helping him with his throws for little league and practicing throwing a football." I said.

"Gone where?" Jaxon asked. "If it's not too personal that is."

"He's a sergeant in the Army, and has been on deployment for almost a year now." I explained.

"Do you know where he's stationed?"

"He's in Iran right now. Normally he doesn't like to tell us, so we don't worry about him. But I always tell him that it doesn't matter what country he's in, we're going to worry about him anyway."

"Does he have a speciality?"

"Now I can't tell you that. It's a secret, I don't even know what he does for them." I answer.

He opens the door to the nurses office and Mrs Kline gasps when she sees me and rushes up to me with a tissue.

"Top secret information, got it. I'm gonna head back to class but I'll see you at lunch?" He asks.

"Yeah just follow the girls and Felix they'll lead you to our normal table, I'll meet you guys there after." He nods in acknowledgement. "Oh and Jaxon?"

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