Chapter 13

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As always I'm the first person up in the morning, even if it is ten thirty. I make my way down the stairs and check the living room to make sure all the garbage is cleaned up. Weirdly when I poke my head in, Micah and Brett are already awake.

"Have I entered an alternate reality? What the hell are you two doing up?" I furrow my brows.

"That's an excellent question, Micah why don't you explain why the two of us are up so fucking early." Brett glares over at Micah.

"Well you see I woke up still a little drunk and I was the only one awake, which by the way did not feel right . So I went to my best friend Brett and woke him up." Micah puts his feet up on the coffee table.

"What are you leaving out?" Brett's voice lowers.

"Um, nothing I don't think." Micah says quickly.

"The asshole woke me up by pouring a glass of ice cold fucking water over my head." Brett looks ready to kill Micah.

"At least it wasn't a bucket."

"No call of mercy is going to help you now. You have three seconds to start running." He warns.

Micah hesitates for a second but looking at the way Brett is glaring at him, he quickly flings himself off the couch and sprints towards the stairs, almost knocking Rosie and Vi down on the way.

"Where's the fire?" Vi asks, moving out of the way.

"I'm about to get murdered." Micah calls back over his shoulder.

I turn back to Brett, who hasn't moved an inch off the couch. I raise an eyebrow at him and cross my arms.

"What? He deserved it." Brett shrugs with carelessness.

I just roll my eyes and move to the kitchen where Vi and Rosie are already getting out breakfast. Some days we cook but other days, like today we just grab a bowl of cereal leaving the boys to fend for themselves.

"How's the head treating you Rosie?" I look over at her to see she has her head in her hands.

"Not so loud Alex. I feel like there's a jackhammer in my skull." She groans, plopping her head down on the table.

"That would be the vodka, we probably should have given you water before you went to bed." I grab some Advil from the cabinet above the sink.

"Felix did when he brought me up last night, at least I think he did." She speaks into the table.

"Well here take some Advil. We'll get some food in you to soak all that alcohol up and have you feeling good as new in no time." I plop a glass of water in front of her and grab her hand to put the pill in it.

"I don't even think I could eat anything, anything regarding food sounds nasty." Rosie lifts her head up to take the pill.

"Look at it this way, you didn't hurl last night which for your first time drinking is extremely impressive." Vi chimes in.

"Don't even talk about it, I might soon." Rosie groans.

"What's for breakfast ladies?" Matt and the rest of the boys stroll into the kitchen.

Vi shakes the box of cereal making sounds of protest come from the boys.

"Y'all want a proper breakfast, make it yourselves. We're going to eat good ole fashioned cereal." Vi states.

"I don't mind cereal." Stephan smiles at her.

"Suck up." Nick coughs into his hand, causing Stephan to glare back at him.

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