Chapter 4

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"Ladies." Multiple voices say.

We all look up to see Brett, Micah, Matt, Stephan, and Nick pulling chairs up to our table.

"Boys." We answer.

"You guys coming to watch us test fresh meat after school?" Micah asks, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Dude Alex has the call with her dad today." Felix reminds him, as he and Jaxon join us.

"Shit that's right, tell the old man I said hey." Micah said, scooting closer.

I roll my eyes, "Micah he doesn't even know who you are."

"You mean you didn't tell him about our magical night, beautiful."

"Magical? For who? Cause it definitely wasn't for me," I scoffed. "Micah, you kinda suck in bed."

All the guys immediately started howling with laughter, including Jaxon who's sat to my left. Micah took his arm off me and started sulking.

"Bro are you actually pouting right now?" Nick couldn't stop laughing.

"I just got insulted about how I am in bed, excuse my sulking but I think I'm allowed." He slid further in his chair.

"You're fine in all other departments, but you're kinda selfish in bed," I told him. "I don't mean to insult you, but you brought it up."

"So you're saying you didn't finish? At all?"

"Nope. You left me incredibly frustrated."

"Micah, you gotta make sure the girl finishes. It's like the number one rule when having sex." Vi chimed in.

"Ok, ok fuck, I get it thank you everyone for the pointers." Micah held his hand up.

"So Jaxon, you are gonna try out for the RB position right?" Matt asks, changing the topic.

"Yeah man, I work at my uncle's shop most afternoons but I'm sure he'll let it slide." Jaxon pushed his tray away and crossed his arms.

"We really need a new RB, the kid that was gonna step up into that position really fucking sucks and we need to go to state this year." Felix explained.

"Don't hate on Kevin, he tries his best." Rosie mumbled.

"Little mouse, sure he's a good dude but you've seen him at practice. He can't throw or catch for shit." Felix scooted closer to Rosie.

"So why don't you just kick him off the team instead of giving him false hope?"

"We feel bad for the kid." Stephan said.

"Doesn't mean it's right." Rosie added.

"Always looking out for the little guy aren't you Rosie." Micah said.

The bell rang before anyone could say anything else. We threw out our trash and started walking out to head to class.

"Alright see most of you at practice, you're coming Vi right?" Stephan asked.

"Not like I have anything better to do then to watch you meatheads ram into each other." Vi replied.

"Don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not." Stephan slung his arm around her.

"I don't know dude that didn't sound like a compliment to me." Micah noted.

I look over at Jaxon who's looking at his schedule, I hold my hand out to take a look at it for him. He hands it to me with a look of gratitude.

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